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Mary Lou Harris is a proponent of active living, community volunteerism and inquisitive travel. After a post age 60 retirement from a career in public service, she expanded those interests to include ultra-trail running, hiking and extended-stay travel. She can be contacted through her website or on Twitter at @stillarunner.

Latest Posts By Mary Lou Harris

4 years ago

Tracking Time During the Pandemic with Moon Phases

That marvelous satellite we call the Moon has been observed by everyone, from scientists to spiritualists to farmers deciding when to plant…

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4 years ago

I Am a Mother-in-Law! These 5 Tips Should Be a Reminder to Follow

Life is surely full of relationships. We are born the child in relationship to our parents, and we may simultaneously become someone’s brother or sister. In our extended family, we will likely have grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. Read More

4 years ago

A Lady Under Stay-at-Home Order Looks to A Gentleman in Moscow for Inspiration

Most everyone around the world has dealt with new limitations on their ability to move about their community. I’m aware of two countries that do not allow anyone to leave their home…

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4 years ago

#StayHome and Indulge Your Passion While You Have the Time and Opportunity

The top priority of the day for many of us in the Sixty and Me community is to stay safe and, from a distance, ensure our friends and family are safe, too. COVID-19 has changed life more…

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5 years ago

Looking Outward or Looking Inward in 2020 and Beyond

Recently one morning, I opened a word-for-the-day type of email. The word for that day was ‘metanoia’, a noun defined as a transformative change of heart; especially a spiritual conversion…

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5 years ago

The Halloween Traditions Can Help Boomer Women Face Our Fears and Express Gratitude

I’ve noticed here in the US that Halloween has gained importance as a holiday for children and adults alike. More homes are doing extravagant decorating, ingenious costumes are created…

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5 years ago

A Salute to Journeywoman Founder Evelyn Hannon – The First Travel Blogger

In April of this year, we lost a pioneer in women’s travel. Evelyn Hannon, the founder and editor of Jour-neywoman, passed away. She was, by all accounts, a private person…

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5 years ago

How Do They Do It? 4 Things I Learned from Near-Centenarians Competing at the Senior Olympics

I’ve had several months to absorb the experience of competing in the National Senior Games this summer. What continues to come to mind has nothing to do particularly with my events…

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5 years ago

How a Sport-Filled Summer at the National Games Taught Me the Importance of Trying New Things

In a previous post at Sixty and Me, I reviewed several athletic competition sports venues dedicated to senior athletes. This summer, I had the opportunity to participate in the 2019 National Senior Games held in beautiful Albuquerque…

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5 years ago

How to Stay Safe in Your 60s with Low-tech Safety Accessories

Being properly prepared for our own safety is important for everyone.

For those of us over 60 years of age it’s imperative we not only stay active to maintain as much strength as possible, but that we supplement our strength with accessories, which may or may not have a bit of flash and sash to them. Read More