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Martha Bodyfelt is a divorce recovery coach who helps professional divorced women over 50 overcome their divorce loneliness and break free from the patterns keeping them stuck so they can feel fulfilled, have more fun, and live fearlessly. To find out what's *really* keeping you stuck after divorce, take the 30-second quiz.

Latest Posts By Martha Bodyfelt

4 years ago

Divorce After 50: How to Reinvent Yourself in 3 Steps

For many women who are ending a decades-long marriage, life after divorce can seem like a fog. It’s easy to wonder, “Well, what the heck do I do now?” You may have defined yourself as part of a unit and, when you are no longer part…

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4 years ago

3 Incredible Ways to Show Love for Yourself Every Day of the Year

Valentine’s Day is over, but if you’re a divorced woman over 50, you may still be struggling with ways to show love for yourself this month and beyond. But over my years as a divorce coach for women 50 and better, I’ve actually discovered…

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4 years ago

3 Easy Ways to Beat Divorce Loneliness When You’re on Facebook

We’ve all been there. You pour a glass of wine after a long day, and all you want to do is some mindless scrolling on Facebook to give yourself a mental break. But the exact opposite happens. The first thing on your newsreel is a picture of flowers that your high school…

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4 years ago

How to Get Your Confidence Back After a Silver Divorce

The end of a marriage, or any other relationship, when we are in our 50s forces us to deal with a whole slew of issues we were not expecting at this time in our lives. These include learning how to be single, possibly living on a reduced income…

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4 years ago

What Can Learning a Foreign Language Teach You About Confidence After Divorce? A Lot!

I noticed something recently that I want to talk to you about. Do you ever find yourself thinking the following deep thoughts: “Ugh. Why do I still feel terrible after my divorce? I thought I’d be completely confident after all the…

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4 years ago

Feeling Down on Yourself in Your 60s? 3 Fantastic Things to Remember

We all have guilty pleasures. But do you want to know which one is my favorite? I love watching House Hunters on HGTV! There’s nothing better to do on a lazy Sunday morning. So, coffee in hand…

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4 years ago

Want to Release Your Divorce Anger? Here’s What to Do 

If you are recently divorced and over 50, there is probably an all-too-common emotion that you’re experiencing. Anger. Being ticked off. The persistent rage that will not leave you, especially if you were married for decades and now your life is disrupted…

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5 years ago

Lacking Confidence After 60? Scrap the Apologetic Behavior

Ever been in a situation like this before? You don’t pick up the phone in time and when you call the person back, the first words out of your mouth are “I’m sorry.” You bring store-bought cupcakes to your friend’s party and you utter, “I’m sorry…”

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5 years ago

When Divorce Strikes After 50: Here’s How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex

As a divorce coach for fabulous women 50 and better, one of the most common refrain I hear from clients has to do with their ex – especially during the holiday season. Read More

7 years ago

Feeling Bitter After a Divorce? Here Are 3 Positive Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Situation

Getting your life back after divorce can be hard, especially when you’re over 60. There are financial issues, retirement and logistics issues that leave us feeling exhausted, wondering if we’ll ever move on and feel happy. Read More