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Martha Bodyfelt is a divorce recovery coach who helps professional divorced women over 50 overcome their divorce loneliness and break free from the patterns keeping them stuck so they can feel fulfilled, have more fun, and live fearlessly. To find out what's *really* keeping you stuck after divorce, take the 30-second quiz.

Latest Posts By Martha Bodyfelt

1 year ago

Divorce After 50: Counter Unfairness Like the Amazing Queen You Are!

Let’s talk about one of the most common obstacles that stop us from moving on after divorce, especially after a long-term marriage. Fairness. Unfairness. The feeling like we’re ripped off after all the sacrifices we made during our years…

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1 year ago

Leaving a Marriage After 60: How to Know When it’s Time to Let Go

Marriages, especially ones that have lasted for decades, take work. Every day will not be a honeymoon. Arguments, compromises, and sacrifices will no doubt be daily currency. While the give and take in a relationship is normal, there are…

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2 years ago

Over 50 and Ready to Let Go of Unmet Expectations After Divorce? Here’s How to Take Action!

I have been hearing a very common refrain from divorced women over 50 as they try to move on: “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” “I’m over 50 and it’s too late to start over…”

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2 years ago

Struggling with Jealousy After a Divorce in Your 50s or 60s? Help Is Here!

If you divorced in your 50s or 60s, you’re familiar with that feeling. Some of us know it all too well, both during divorce and afterwards. It rears its head when one of your grown children, after spending the weekend with your ex…

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2 years ago

Surviving a Divorce After 50 Teaches Some Surprisingly Positive Lessons

The process of ending a marriage, especially a decades-long one, can definitely shake up your life in all aspects. From the financial to the emotional, there are many unexpected good lessons that divorce in later-life…

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2 years ago

Almost Done with Mid-Life Divorce, But Still Feeling Terrible?

When it comes to divorce, especially if you’re past your 6th decade, the first thing to remember is not to blame yourself. The main reason why you feel terrible, even when the whole ordeal is at the finish line, is the Pain Impact Factor (PIF)…

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2 years ago

Love After 50: Can Rejection Be a Blessing in Disguise?

Rejection at this ripe time in our lives can really stink. There’s no way around it. As we learn to move on after divorce, even the strongest of us can’t help but feel like we did something wrong when the person we loved and cared about…

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2 years ago

Divorce After 50: How to Kick Loneliness to the Curb

When you are recovering from divorce after a long-term marriage, loneliness is definitely an obstacle that keeps you from moving on. We get stuck in this mindset because it makes us feel like we have nobody in the world. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

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2 years ago

What Covid Is Teaching Me About Divorce Recovery

I’m writing to you three weeks into coming down with Covid, and although I’m getting better day by day, I’m still not myself. The coughing won’t stop. Despite a good night’s sleep, I’m still pretty tired most of the day. And there’s still this annoying nose…

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3 years ago

How to Make Your Dreams a Reality After Midlife Divorce

At the end of January/early February, you may be feeling one of five ways as a divorced woman. Take your pick! #1: Hopeful, because the New Year always presents a clean slate and a chance to start over. #2: Slightly depressed because it’s now back…

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