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Certified professional coach Marion Holt has been an emotional eater since childhood. No longer. In her workbook series, Never Eat Your Emotions Again, she shares specific behavioral expertise and techniques for efficiently recovering from emotional eating. She’s helped many others going through their own journey to a healthier relationship with food – and a much more fulfilled life.

Latest Posts By Marion Holt

3 months ago

Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is a complex behavior that involves using food as a means to cope with emotional distress or seek comfort. It can have profound effects on both our physical and emotional well-being. Understanding the causes and consequences…

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4 months ago

10 Factors Influencing Emotional Eating

Emotional eating, the act of consuming food in response to emotional triggers rather than physical hunger, is influenced by various psychological factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for unraveling the complex relationship…

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6 months ago

Navigating Emotional Eating with New Year’s Resolutions

Embarking on a weight loss journey is a common New Year’s resolution, but for those grappling with emotional eating, the path is laden with unique challenges. This article delves into the complexities of setting weight loss resolutions for emotional eaters…

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7 months ago

The Impact of Emotional Eating on Your Overall Well-being

Emotional eating, the tendency to use food as a coping mechanism for emotional distress, can have significant implications for overall well-being. Emotional eating usually develops gradually, influenced by a variety of factors. It often begins as a seemingly innocent response to occasional emotional discomfort or stress. At first, it may provide a temporary sense of […]

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7 months ago

The Stress-Eating Connection: Exploring the Effects of Stress on Emotional Eating

Stress is a pervasive aspect of modern life, and its impact on our eating habits can be profound. For many of us, stress often triggers the urge to turn to food for comfort or relief, leading to a behavior known as emotional eating. In this article…

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8 months ago

Unveiling the 8 Root Causes of Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is a complex behavior that often stems from underlying emotional, psychological, and environmental factors. It develops gradually, influenced by a variety of factors. Understanding the root causes of emotional eating…

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9 months ago

4 Strategies to Overcome Emotional Eating: Building a Healthy Relationship with Food and Emotions

Emotional eating, the act of using food as a coping mechanism for emotional distress, can pose challenges to those of us seeking a healthy relationship with food. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to overcome emotional eating and develop healthier…

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10 months ago

Emotional Eating and Weight Management: Navigating the Connection

Emotional eating, the tendency to use food as a coping mechanism for emotional distress, can significantly impact weight management efforts. Understanding the intricate relationship between emotional eating and weight management…

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11 months ago

Addressing Emotional Eating with Mindfulness, Awareness and Compassion

Emotional eating, the tendency to use food as a coping mechanism for emotional distress, can disrupt our relationship with food and hinder our overall well-being. However, mindfulness, a practice that cultivates present-moment…

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1 year ago

What’s the Difference Between Emotional Eating, Eating Addiction and Food Addiction?

Food is not just fuel for our bodies; it often serves as a source of comfort, pleasure, and even emotional support. However, when our relationship with food becomes problematic, it can lead to various concerns such as emotional eating, eating addiction…

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