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Margo Arrowsmith is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, passionate about aging in the community. Currently, she provides therapy for the elderly and their families. Margo is the author of You Can Keep Your Parents at Home: Keep Your Job and Life, Save Your Fortune and Sanity. Visit her site here

Latest Posts By Margo Arrowsmith

4 months ago

Embrace Your 70s! 3 Ways to Usher in the Next Glorious Decade!

Don’t break out your disco boots, I am talking about your 70s, not the 70s. Whether you believe that 70 is the new 50, or it’s just 70, it can be a celebration with a positive attitude and plans. It’s not about what happens to you…

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6 years ago

6 Steps to Bond with Your Grandchildren and Create a Lasting Family Treasure

My parents always insisted that my brother and I sit and listen to grandma’s stories. Our cousins didn’t have to, and back then we were envious. Read More