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About Margaret Manning

Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

6 years ago

4 Creative Ways to Say “No”

Are you the kind of person who has trouble saying “no?” I am! Unfortunately, as many of us helpful souls have discovered over the years, saying “yes” to every request is tiring and can prevent us from getting the most from our own lives. Worst of all, when we try to help everyone, we end up running out of energy to work on the projects that really matter. So, today, I would like to suggest 4 creative ways to say “no.” I hope you find them useful! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

3 Free Things that Make You Feel Like a Million Bucks!

At our age, it’s natural to make comparisons. We look at other people’s lives and assume that they have it so much better than us. In reality, we don’t need a lot of money to feel rich (in every sense of the word.) In fact, some of the best things in life really are free! So, today, I want to share 3 free things that can help you to feel like a million bucks. Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

Living with Purpose, the Power of Magnesium and My Upcoming Trip!

I hope that you are having a wonderful day wherever you are in this beautiful world of ours! Today, I have some fantastic articles to share. First, we will talk about living with purpose. Then, we will discuss the power of magnesium for older women. Finally, in today’s video, I will share the details of my upcoming trip. I think that you will be surprised when I tell you where I’m going… and with whom! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

What Story Does Your Jewelry Tell? Let’s Find Out!

Most of the time, we think of our jewelry as one part decoration and one part celebration. It has the power to make us feel special, powerful and desirable. But, today, I want to take this conversation a bit deeper and talk about how the jewelry we wear tells the story of our lives. This may sound a bit cryptic, but, if you watch today’s video and join the conversation, you’ll quickly see what I mean! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

5 Myths About Loneliness

On the surface, loneliness is a simple concept. You feel lonely when you don’t have enough of the right people in your life. Isn’t it that simple? Well… not really. In fact, having talked with hundreds of women in our community about their feelings on this matter, I can tell you that loneliness is a complex problem. So, today, I would like to share a few things that I have learned about loneliness. I hope that my advice will help you to find the friendship and happiness that you deserve! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

The Art of Simplifying Your Life After 60

Simplifying your life isn’t about saying “no” to the things that you don’t need. It is about saying “yes” to the people, places and things that really matter! So, today, I would love to offer some suggestions for how to simplify your life so that you can find the balance, love, energy and passion that you deserve. I think that you will find today’s conversation fascinating! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

What Does MESH Have to Do with Healthy Aging? This Geriatrician Has Answers!

Each and every one of us wants to achieve healthy aging. But, the unfortunate truth is that not all of us are willing to take action to make it happen! This is a shame because many of the keys to healthy aging aren’t hard to follow. They don’t require experimental medical treatments or expensive gym memberships. They just require a little discipline and planning. So, today, I would like to share a few healthy aging tips from geriatrician, Dr. Bill Thomas, who I recently interviewed. I hope that you find them useful! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

Happy 74th Birthday, Diana Ross

Even though I was born in England, I have a close connection to Detroit, where I spent several years as a teenager. Read More

7 years ago

6 Surprising Makeup Tips from Joan Collins… and a Few of My Own

As you know, I’m a big believer in the idea that you’re never too old to have fun with makeup and fashion. By now, we may not care as much about what people think of our appearance. But, we still want to look and feel our best. So, today, I would love to share 6 surprising makeup tips from Joan Collins. Then, I would love to share some of my own free makeup tutorials. I hope that you enjoy them! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

Bruce Willis is Unbreakable at Age 63

Happy 63rd birthday, Bruce Willis! Read More