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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

6 years ago

Do You Love to Travel by Train? What Was the Best Train Trip You Ever Took?

I love trains. I always have. Since I was first introduced to trains as a little girl, they have always been surrounded by a magical energy force in my mind. It’s not just their raw power that excites me. Instead, what I love is the fact that trains are portals to exciting new worlds. Read More

6 years ago

68 Fun Hobby Ideas from Your Sixty and Me Sisters

One of the best things about being a part of a community like ours is that we all get to learn from each other. And, since life after 60 is all about discovering (or rediscovering) your passions, today, I thought that I would share a list of 68 fun hobbies that the women in our community came up with. I’d also love it if you could add to this list! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: “All the Light We Cannot See” – A Wartime Story with Haunting Imagery and Complex Characters

When I started reading All the Light We Cannot See, it was hard for me to ponder the places, the characters or even pay attention to the story. For several short chapters, I was simply lost in the magic of the words. Read More

6 years ago

Is it Better to be Right or Happy? The Answer May Surprise You!

By the time we reach our 60th birthday, it’s natural to have well-formed opinions about the world. Many of us have strong political and religious views. Others have well-formed opinions about the sports teams that we support, the causes that we contribute to and the communities in which we live. Read More

6 years ago

Want to Reduce Stress? Stop Thinking and Start Breathing!

If you are trying to reduce stress, you may be overthinking the problem. That’s the conclusion that I came to after talking with hundreds of women in our community. Read More

6 years ago

Embrace the Power of Laughter to Feel More Positive Every Day

There are only a few times in our lives when all of our troubles fade into the background and we experience true happiness. Some of these moments are “big” – seeing our grandchild for the first time, accomplishing something significant, or getting married. Read More

6 years ago

Multi-Level Marketing vs. Pyramid Schemes: How to Tell the Difference

I’m not sure why, but, it seems like older adults are routinely the target for scams of all kinds. Maybe criminals have simply fallen for the same aging stereotypes as everyone else and believe that we are easy targets. Or, perhaps they rightly assume that, statistically at least, we have more money to spend. Read More

6 years ago

Making Friends as an Adult – Remember that You Can’t Change People

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to change other people? This is true even in loving relationships, where both people have an incentive to listen and respond to their partner’s needs.

It is especially true for our friends and acquaintances who, while they may care for us, are mostly interested in getting the most from their own lives. Read More

6 years ago

Using this Word Every Day will Change Your Life

What does it mean to connect with someone? These days, it seems like communication has been reduced to quick emails and even briefer Facebook posts. I can’t remember the last time I received a handwritten card or letter. Can you? Read More

6 years ago

Are You a Grandparent Raising Grandchildren? We Need Your Advice!

For many women, being a grandmother is one of the most wonderful experiences imaginable. Without the pressures of being a parent, you are free to enjoy your grandkids without pressure or expectations. Read More