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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 months ago

Hobbies for Women Over 50 – Amazing Ideas from the Sixty and Me Community

One of the best things about life as we get older is that we finally have a little extra time to do the things we love. Having interesting hobbies keeps our minds and bodies active while we transition into our senior years. This is the time…

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9 months ago

Fashion for Women Over 60 – Look Fabulous Without Trying to Look Younger

Let’s talk about fashion for women over 60. One of the biggest myths about older women is that we are no longer interested in looking stylish. There is a big misconception in our culture that women over 60 are invisible, frumpy…

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9 months ago

What Are the Best Short Hairstyles for Older Women? (Video)

Denise McAdam is an expert on hairstyles for older women. Whether your hair is short or long, thick or thin, she knows exactly what to do to make you look your best. As our hair gets a little thinner with age – and I know about this phenomenon…

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9 months ago

How Learning to Simplify Can Help You Define Your Unique and Personal Style

As women who are aging beautifully, one of our goals is to finally settle on our personal and unique style. What defines us; what clothes look great on us; what people enrich and inspire us; which colors make us feel energized and comfortable…

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10 months ago

7 Unexpected Gift Ideas for Women Over 60

I’ll be the first to admit that finding gift ideas for women over 60 is tough – even when you’re one yourself! As I’ve gotten a little older, I’ve started to notice that buying presents for my friends has become more difficult…

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10 months ago

How Clearing Clutter Can Help You Find Freedom and Happiness After 60

I came across this quote about clearing clutter on – of all places – a medical website, and it struck me as the perfect way to look at the “too much stuff” conundrum I’m still struggling with. Peter Walsh, an organizational expert and former host…

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11 months ago

14 Exclusive Makeup Tips for Older Women from a Professional Makeup Artist

When I first met Ariane Poole several years ago, I knew that she had an empowering message to share with our community. Her emphasis on positive aging was refreshing and her practical makeup tips were exactly what our community had been asking for…

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11 months ago

Best Mattresses for Seniors – How to Choose the Best Mattress for Your Aging Body

As we get older, we learn to put up with life’s little aches and pains. Even if we have avoided major injuries and chronic health conditions, we probably feel a little stiff from time to time. “It’s ok,” we think to ourselves, “that’s just a part…

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11 months ago

Downsizing Your Shoes – How to Walk Away from a Footwear Obsession!

Most of my girlfriends have warned me that shoes would be the hardest category of clothing to reduce. My friend Maureen says she’d have trouble choosing 100 pairs from her collection of shoes – and trust me, she can pull off the most amazing…

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12 months ago

Downsizing Is Really All About Embracing Three Little Magic Words

A minimalist lifestyle is relatively easy to achieve if all you ever say is the word no. It is so simple to say. No, I won’t buy that new dress or No, I won’t accept that gift, or in my case, No, I won’t buy more bangles. No, I won’t complicate my existence…

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