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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

5 years ago

My Shine and Sparkle Makeup for Older Women Tutorial (Just in Time for Summer!)

Let’s take a break from the “breaking news” and craziness in the world and just have a little fun! Today, I want to share a sparkly little look that I wore over the weekend. I hope it inspires you to try something new with your makeup too! And, as always, please share your ideas and comments at the end of the video. I read every one! Are you ready for summer? What changes to you make to your makeup routine during the warmer months? What did you think of the look that I shared today?

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5 years ago

Love Your Body with Our 30-Minute Yoga Flow (it’s FREE!)

Over the last few days, I have had so much fun reading the comments from all of the women in our community who have started their yoga journey with our newly free to watch gentle yoga videos. We have covered all of the parts of the body that tend to give us trouble as we get a little older – joints, neck, shoulders, lower back, spine, hips, legs and so many more! Now, in this final video in the series, Cat Kabira offers a full flow that pulls everything together. If you are looking for a gentle yoga practice to reduce stiffness, increase your energy and improve your flexibility, this video is for you! Have you ever tried yoga? What was your experience? What do you think of these videos that we recorded with Cat?

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5 years ago

Don’t Let Self-Criticism Prevent You from Getting the Most from Life After 60

Life after 60 is complicated. Over the decades, we have experienced a full spectrum of emotions. We have loved and lost. We have passed milestones and celebrated accomplishments. But, no matter how full our lives have been, we are filled with questions.

Did I make the right decisions with my life? Did I do enough? Did I choose the right balance between my career and my family? Was I a good parent and spouse? Do you have any of these thoughts? Read More

5 years ago

Why Do I Feel Lonely When I am Surrounded By Others?

“Why do I feel lonely in a group?” This was the question that one of my friends asked as we sat in a coffee shop after a trip to the gym. She explained that, since she was still working, she was always surrounded by other people. But, she still felt lonely most of the time. Read More

5 years ago

Give Your Aging Brain a Boost with… Reading and Writing?

When it comes to keeping your aging brain healthy, there are plenty of companies that are willing to take your money. Supplement companies tell us that pills and potions will keep us sharp. Video game companies swear that just 20-minutes a day with their “brain games” is what we need. There are even gyms that combine mental and physical exercises for older adults. Actually, this last one is probably a good idea! In any case, today, I want to talk about something simple (and FREE) that each of us can do every day to give our brains a boost. That’s right, I’m talking about good old-fashioned reading and writing. I hope that you enjoy today’s video! What are you doing to keep your brain healthy? Do you follow a special diet? Play brain games? Read? Write? Stay social?

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5 years ago

5 Ways Our Spiritualty Changes as We Get Older

I have a degree in Religious Studies from the University of Colorado. All my life, I have felt that the basic principles shared in all organized religions align and are built on common values. These include kindness, love, tolerance and respect for each other. Read More

5 years ago

Video Interview: An 80-Year-Old Model Shares Her Healthy Aging and Beauty Tips

As an 80-year-old model and cancer survivor, Valerie Ramsey knows a thing or two about healthy aging. And, as an author and mother of six, she is constantly on the move and always wants to look her best. So, I just had to get her on the show! I honestly enjoyed this interview (link below) so much. Valerie is simply beautiful, inside and out. What do you think of the trend towards more older adults getting involved in modeling? What do you believe are the secrets to healthy aging?

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5 years ago

I Never Thought I Would Do This… (Big News from Sixty and Me!)

Over the last several years, I have tried hard to make most of our content free to the community. But, since Sixty and Me is also a business, I have had to charge for a few things… like our gentle yoga DVDs. Well, today, I have some good news. I have decided to make all of our yoga videos completely FREE on YouTube. No catch. No fees. No password. Just life-changing yoga practices designed for women like us. This decision is going to cost me money, but, I just want to make a difference in the world. So, I’m happy to do this for you. I only have one favor to ask. If you like the videos, please share them with your friends. Let’s change the world together! Click the link below to watch the first video.

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5 years ago

5 Ways Travelling with Your Adult Child Can Deepen Your Relationship in Ways You Never Expected

World travel is high on the list of things women our age crave. Many women have a long list of places they want to explore in retirement. One goal is to experience adventures we could not enjoy when busy working or raising children…

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5 years ago

How to Find Peace and Quiet in a Noisy World

Modern life is filled with buzzing devices and flashing screens. Is it any surprise that we can’t hear ourselves think? If you feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the stimulation in this crazy world of ours, you will love today’s video. In it, I explain how to find peace and quiet in a noisy world. What do you do to find peace and quiet? Are there any activities that you enjoy? Places that you go?

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