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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

12 years ago

Exercise Your Brain with these 6 Creative Tasks

I saw a poster once that said “don’t fear getting older, fear getting boring”. One of our biggest fears as we age is that we will lose our ability to think in new and creative ways and lose our mental sharpness. The good news is that, contrary to popular belief, it is not a given that your brain degenerates as you age. Read More

12 years ago

Addressing the Top 6 Fears of Women Over 60

We have lived with change and uncertainty our entire lives; in fact it is one of life’s few constants. You would think we would be used to it by now, but we aren’t. With that in mind, we’ve listed the top six fears of women over sixty and, more importantly, done our best to search for comfort and empowerment. Read More

12 years ago

How to be an Independent Woman After 60

Sixty and Me is a community that values independence. I am reminded of a quote by T.S Eliot “We shall not cease from exploration, and in the end find ourselves back where we started but know the place for the first time.” Read More

12 years ago

7 Positive Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Death

As we reach our 60s, many of us are struggling with a fear of death. I’m not sure why this is the case. After all, we’ve lived good lives. Read More

12 years ago

Senior Travel Tips: 6 Fabulous Countries that Love Older Women

Now that you’re over sixty, you’ve probably travelled to many wonderful places around the world, alone or with family and friends. Perhaps you chose places for the children, or followed your cultural and heart connections. Now you find yourself an older woman with a slightly different set of criteria. You want to be safe, demand good value and have a desire to explore new and unique places for the independent individual you have become. I for one don’t particularly want to see Disneyland ever again – but that’s just me! Read More

12 years ago

Join the Tiny House Movement: Why Downsizing Your Home May be a Great Decision

Are you tired of being surrounded by too much stuff? Then, it may be time to downsize your home and join the tiny house movement. Read More

12 years ago

6 Unusual Ways to Make Money in Retirement

We are a lucky generation. We just happen to be living at a time when longevity has created a new life stage that cultural anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson calls the Age of Active Wisdom, or Adulthood II. Read More

12 years ago

Stretch Yourself with These 6 Fantastic Yoga Retreats

As women, we tend to spread our energies in a thousand directions without noticing, until one day we realize the well has run dry. At Sixty and Me, we think it’s time you focused your attention on your own well-being. Transformational vacations are all the rage, so we scoured the globe and handpicked six fabulous yoga retreats we think you’ll love. Read More

12 years ago

Get More from Life After Retirement by Using the Power of Sharing

If you are thinking about life after retirement, you may be wondering how you will live on a fixed income for the next 20-30 years. Of course, one option is to continue to work, at least part time. But, for many people, this simply isn’t possible. So, today, I want to share an alternative suggestion with you. I want to explain how you can spend less and earn more in retirement by taking advantage of one of the oldest human behaviors – sharing. Read More

12 years ago

6 Suggestions for a Healthy Brain

We all care about keeping our brains healthy as we age. Unfortunately, with so much conflicting information, it’s difficult to know where to start. It’s even challenging to know what is “normal” when it comes to brain health. Read More