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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

11 years ago

The Pro-Age Revolution and Makeup for Older Women – Cindy Joseph (Video)

Recently, I had the pleasure of talking with the radiant and inspiring Cindy Joseph about how the pro-age revolution is impacting the world of makeup for older women. Cindy is a make-up artist, supermodel, and CEO of her own cosmetics company. Read More

11 years ago

Planning the Perfect Trip: Senior Travel Tips for Women on the Go

By the time we reach our sixties, most women who love to travel have a pattern of planning that works for them. We follow rituals of packing, planning and preparation, remembering from past experience and anticipating things that just might go wrong. However, personally, I always forget something! Read More

11 years ago

These 6 Steps May Reduce Your Cancer Risk. Get Started Now!

Women in their 60‘s have fought demons and faced many challenges in their lives. Over time, we have learned to be self-reliant and show enormous grace under pressure. We pride ourselves in being in control. And yet, there is one health worry that haunts us because it is so prevalent, so apparently random and out of our control – and as a result it is so frightening. Cancer. Read More

11 years ago

15 Healthy Eating Tips for Women Over 60

As we age, one of the most important contributors to our overall health is our diet. We are literally what we eat, and the foods and combinations we choose are totally in our control.

Making simple food choices is especially true for women over 60, who have unique nutritional needs. We need to be sure that we nourish our aging bones, keep our hearts healthy and watch our blood pressure and weight.

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11 years ago

6 Must See Places for Women Over 60

Finally, you have a little time, hopefully some money, a healthy body and most importantly, a curious mind. One of the most exciting things about life after 60 is that many of us women often get a chance to travel for the first time to places we’ve always wanted to visit. Read More

11 years ago

Wondering How to Live Longer? Try These 5 Simple Ideas!

Would you like to live to be 100? Perhaps the more important question is would you like to be healthy and strong and stay physically active and mentally engaged for as long as you live? Women over 60 should be excited that

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12 years ago

6 Amazing Adventure Tours for Women like Us

A sense of adventure does not diminish with age. As older women, we have a greater sense of self, are more confident and appreciate those things that are most important in life. We are inspired by natural and authentic beauty, have a dedication to lifelong learning and a curiosity to explore new experiences. Read More

12 years ago

3 Powerful Benefits of Meditation for Women Over 60

In today’s “always on” society, it’s difficult to go 10 seconds without being interrupted by buzzing devices, flashing computer screens, and up-to-the-second breaking news alerts. Is it any wonder that we’re all so stressed? Read More

12 years ago

Lost Your Job? Don’t Panic. Here’s How to Restart Your Career After 50

Losing a job is always stressful. Many women over 60 have had careers filled with brilliant highs and terrifying lows, failures mixed with glowing achievements and recognition. But today, the impermanence of the workplace doesn’t linger on the positive but pushes employers and employees into a less connected and committed relationship. Read More

12 years ago

What is the Recipe for a Happy Marriage After 60? Mix these 4 Ingredients

We all know what romance is – or do we? It is that mysterious attraction, fascination and enthusiasm for another person. Sometimes we call it love, but romance is more nuanced, more of a foundation on which everything is built. Read More