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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

11 years ago

Considering an Encore Career? Here are the Highest Paying Jobs for Women

As we reach our 60s, many women are finding that the careers that supported us for decades are coming to an end. This represents a challenge and an opportunity. On the one hand, letting go of what we have always done is scary. In addition, many of us worry about how we will support ourselves financially in the years ahead. On the other hand, leaving one job behind is an opportunity to start something new – an encore career that will give us meaning and, hopefully, a little extra money. Read More

11 years ago

Is it Time to Re-Think the Retirement Age for Women?

Enabling women to gain financial security in their 60s is one the key goals of the Sixty and Me Community. We have often discussed that “retirement,” in the traditional sense, is being redefined as women are staying healthier and living longer. In addition, many women genuinely enjoy the social connections that work provides. Read More

11 years ago

Can Tomatoes Help Prevent Breast Cancer in Older Women? – Recent Research Says Yes!

You say “to-may-toes” while I say “to-mah-toes.” Whichever way you say it though, it appears that older women should consider eating lots of them to help prevent breast cancer. I hope this gives you one more thing to discuss with your doctor as a part of your own personal cancer prevention plan. Read More

11 years ago

6 New Holiday Traditions to Consider this Year

Family traditions are the foundation of a happy holiday season, whether that means decorating a Christmas tree or sharing Christmas dinner, or giving gifts and lighting menorah candles for Hanukkah, or whatever your family does together to make the holidays special.

One of the privileges of being women over 60 is that we often are assuming the role of matriarchs for our families and extended families – and we get to be the leaders at the center of our family celebrations. So if you would like to try Read More

11 years ago

Winter Skin Care Tips for Women Over 60

Winter has its own special magic and charm. On cold nights you get a warm inner glow when you snuggle up under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate, reading a book or watching a movie. However, as soon as you turn on the heater in your home, or venture out into the winter weather, your skin begins to suffer. Read More

11 years ago

Are You Sitting Your Life Away? It’s Time to Experience the Benefits of Walking!

The evidence is in! Sitting down for long periods of time is not good for us. Many previous studies have shown that a lack of regular physical activity in old age can significantly increase our chances of developing heart disease, osteoporosis and other chronic illnesses. Of course, as we age, we tend to move less, sometimes due to injury or illness. But, this can’t be the whole story. Read More

11 years ago

Are Older Women Drinking a Little Too Much?

A recent report by the UK Office for National Statistics validates concerns over the amount of alcohol being consumed by older people. It turns out that, while under-25s are still the heaviest drinkers, the retired community drinks more often. In fact, the report found that one in seven women over 65 consumes alcohol at least five days a week, compared to just one in 50 women aged from 16 to 24. Read More

11 years ago

6 Easy Christmas Dinner Ideas that Will Get Your Guests Talking

Christmas dinner is a cherished tradition and, for women over 60, we often feel the urge to go “above and beyond” with unique Christmas dinner ideas.

Especially with so many lifestyle gurus like Martha Stewart showing us how to make beautiful things for our homes and create warm, welcoming experiences for our guests, many women over sixty might find themselves wanting to do something really special for Christmas dinner this year.

But, how can you create a one-of-a-kind Christmas dinner experience without a lot of unnecessary clutter, work and expenses? Read More

11 years ago

6 Heartwarming Films for Women Over 60

Winter is an ideal time to cozy up on the couch and enjoy a good movie – after all, when the nights are dark and the weather is cold, we need to find ways to stay entertained while enjoying the comforts of home! It can sometimes be hard to find good, positive films for women over 60 – Hollywood doesn’t seem to make many movies for “grownups” any more; most of the big budget Hollywood movies are made for teenagers. Read More

11 years ago

Easy Winter Crafts for Kids: Keep Your Grandkids Entertained No Matter the Weather

Kids love crafts! One of the joys of being grandparents is getting to work on special little arts and crafts projects with our grandkids.

This is a great time of year to find some new winter craft ideas for kids, because it helps to keep kids entertained while they’re cooped up in the house on cold days, without having to resort to TV, video games or more screen time. Read More