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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

11 years ago

Creating Your Personal Style After 60

One of the most elaborate myths that the fashion world believes is that women don’t care about style after 60. Admittedly, it’s true that older women put a priority on comfort and quality over trendy looks. However, inside every 60-year-old woman is an individual that wants her clothing to be an expression of her personal values and character. Read More

11 years ago

Is Coffee Good or Bad for You?

I’m a tea lover. I have a particular weakness for Oolong tea, which I find calming on many levels. Perhaps because of my love affair with tea, I always viewed coffee as its evil twin. Read More

11 years ago

How will Technology Change the Future of Healthcare for Women?

Women over 60 today can expect to live longer than any previous generation. Not only are we better educated about how to stay healthy, but, advancements in medicine are also giving us a longevity boost. Read More

11 years ago

Retirement Trends: Boomers are Minding the Gap (Year)

Recently, Market Watch published an article revealing that “gap years” are not just for college students. After long years of stress and personal sacrifice, raising families and navigating careers, many older men and women are taking a break in their 50s and 60s. We are rethinking retirement. Read More

11 years ago

Technology Tips for Women Over 60: How to Stay Safe Online and More! (Video)

Technology provides many wonderful opportunities to learn and connect. Websites like Facebook help us to stay connected with friends and family, while tablets and smartphones connect us to the world of information and the people that we care about most.

But, if you are not naturally tech-savvy, the world of computers can be a bit daunting. Luckily, there are amazing experts out there to give us technology tips! Read More

11 years ago

Women Over 60 are Using Social Media to Make their Voices Heard

In a recent Huff Post article, I argued that most companies just don’t know how to market to older women. A few years ago, companies could use the excuse that women over 60 were hard to reach. But, now that our generation is one of the fastest growing audiences in social media, this argument has lost its power. Women over 60 are online – and boy, do we have a lot to say! Read More

11 years ago

Book Club: Philomena: A Mother, Her Son, and a Fifty-Year Search, by Martin Sixsmith

Philomena: A Mother, Her Son, and a Fifty-Year Search, by Martin Sixsmith, is a true story about what happens when a young unmarried Irish girl gets pregnant in the 1950s.

Philomena is sent to a Catholic nunnery in Tipperary to have her baby and, since she is unable to pay money for her release, has to work in the kitchens and gardens for 3 years with her son. Eventually she is forced to give up her child, who is sold for adoption to an American family. He disappears from her life. Philomena then spends 50 years looking for him, unaware that he is looking for her as well. Read More

11 years ago

Thinking of Downsizing Your Home in Your 60s? You’re Not Alone!

Whenever we post an article for the Sixty and Me Community on the subject of simplicity and downsizing your home, the response is overwhelming. There seems to be a strong desire as we get a little older to eliminate clutter and reduce our possessions to the essentials. Simply put, many of us want to shift to having less and experiencing more. Read More

11 years ago

What’s in a Name? Popular Names in the 1950s and Today

Do you love your name? Or, do you sometimes wonder what your parents were thinking when they decided what to call you? While naming our children seems like a personal decision, we probably don’t realize how much we are influenced by outside trends. In fact, looking at the data, it’s fascinating to see how the most popular names vary from decade to decade. Read More

11 years ago

What New Gadgets for Women Over 60 Will Come Out of CES?

Every year the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) descends on Las Vegas to share with the world the latest trends in consumer electronics. Once only the playground of young innovators and gadget geeks, this year’s show is also catering to the Boomer community with a related event called Silvers Summit. Read More