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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

5 years ago

The Art of Ageless Fashion After 50 – An Interview with an 83-Year-Old Ex-Playboy Model

Does age matter where fashion is concerned? Join us in discussion with Dorrie Jacobson, fashion expert and ex-Playboy model, who knows what style is all about. Enjoy the show! Read More

5 years ago

Talking About Death: The 5-Letter Word No-one Wants to Discuss (But No-one Can Avoid!)

It’s a good thing that we are immortal when we are children… otherwise, we would never have the courage to explore, grow and learn the way that we do! But, the older we get, the more tangible the concept of death seems to become. So, today, I want to talk about how we can talk about death in a positive way so that we can get more from life in the here and now. Do you find it difficult to talk about your own mortality? Do you think that we have a duty to plan for our deaths in order to make it easier for the people we leave behind? Do you think that facing our mortality helps us to live better lives?

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5 years ago

Are You Too Hard on Yourself? Is Love an Antidote to Self-Criticism?

The world can be a tough place. Every day, we are bombarded by other people’s emotions, needs and desires. But, if you really think about it, it is our inner world that often causes us the most pain. Why? Because we are usually our own worst critics! We know all of our “flaws” and aren’t afraid to use them in our fits of self-criticism. So, today, I’d like to break this cycle and offer you a path to positivity. Do you sometimes feel like you are too hard on yourself? Why or why not? What is one thing that you love – really LOVE – about yourself?

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5 years ago

5 Secrets to Feeling Safe Financially After 60

Talking about money hasn’t always been easy for me. Like many women, I have made my share of financial mistakes and I have only recently found the confidence to share my story. But, since financial security is so important, I just can’t remain silent. So, today, I will share 5 secrets to feeling safe financially at any age. I hope that you will also share your story! Which financial lessons do you wish you had learned earlier in your life? How have you taken control of your finances in recent years?

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5 years ago

Is *This* the Greatest Gift of Getting Older?

Life after 60 isn’t always easy. Your social situation may be shifting. Perhaps you have lost someone close to you. Or maybe you are just worried about how to make ends meet. Well, today, I want to talk about one huge gift that life gives us as we get a little older. What is this amazing surprise? You’ll have to watch today’s video to find out! :) What do you think is the greatest gift of getting older? What are you enjoying most about life after 60?

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5 years ago

My Trip to Porto Sparked a Love Affair (with Earrings and Hats!)

I’d like to say that I met the man of my dreams on my latest trip to Porto, Portugal. But, alas, that wasn’t in the cards. Fortunately, my trip sparked a love affair of a different sort! I completely fell in love (again!) with funky hats and earrings. In today’s video, I’d love to share a few of my favorites with you. What are your favorite types of fashion accessories? Do you also love hats and earrings? Or, do you prefer necklaces, scarves, rings or something else?

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5 years ago

5 Secrets to Making Your Savings Last Longer in Retirement

By the time we reach our 60s, our ability to dramatically change how much we have saved for retirement is minimal. But, we can still change our behaviors and decisions in order to make our retirement savings last longer. And, in today’s video, I would like to share 5 secrets for how to do exactly this! How have you reduced your costs recently? How are you making a little extra money in the years leading up to (or during!) retirement?

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5 years ago

Aging Changes Everything… Here’s How to Stay Grounded!

Getting older is a funny experience. In some ways, you feel like the same person you have always been… an eternal 18-year-old being taken along for the ride. But, in other ways, there is no denying the changes that are going on in your life. Your kids have left the house. Your body is changing. You may have lost people close to you. So, today, I would like to talk about how to stay grounded when the ground beneath your feet is shifting. How has your life changed over the last 10-20 years? How do you stay grounded when the world around you is constantly shifting?

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5 years ago

Done Downsizing? How to Know When “Enough is Enough!”

Something funny has happened to the downsizing movement in recent years. Instead of focusing on prioritization and balance, bloggers and Instagram stars show an extreme version of downsizing – living in tiny homes, “getting down to 100 items,” etc. So, today, I would like to get back to the heart of what downsizing really is… saying no to the things that don’t make you happy so that you have the time, money and energy to say yes to the things that do make you happy. Let’s talk about when enough is enough! Have you ever tried downsizing – or at least organizing – your life? What did you learn from the experience? Do you feel that downsizing has become too extreme in recent years?

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5 years ago

Fitness Trends Through the Decades – Which Was Your Favorite?

As baby boomers, we’ve seen many trends come and go. Many of embraced our bohemian side in the 1960s. We saw the rise and fall of disco, although some of us would claim that it’s still alive and kicking!

Many of the women among us, including myself, wore power suits, with intimidating shoulder pads, in the 1980s. Now, after so many years of experimentation, most of us have settled on a style that works for us. Read More