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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

5 years ago

Sleep Better at Any Age by Cleaning the Air in Your Home

As we get a little older, many of us find that our sleep patterns change. Instead of sleeping through the night, we find ourselves waking up at 4am, wondering whether to go back to bed or get started with the day. Well, we can’t change how the aging process impacts our bodies, but, we can change the environment that we live in. Read More

5 years ago

Can Your Clothes Really Help You to Live Better? You Bet!

For most of our lives, our clothes are a reflection of the way that we want the world to see us. But, as we get a little older, they become more an expression of how we see ourselves. In addition to how our clothes make us look, one thing that most of us miss is […]

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5 years ago

I LOVE This Turquoise Eyeliner! My Sassy Summer Makeup for Older Women Tutorial

I still have vivid summer memories of taking my two boys to Greece when they were younger. We would sit on the beech and play in the turquoise water. Perhaps this is why turquoise is one of my favorite summer colors – both for makeup and fashion! So, today, I would love to share a makeup tutorial that I just recorded that features one of my favorite turquoise eyeliners. Let’s celebrate summer together! Do you have any particular makeup of clothing colors that you return to every summer? Which ones?

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5 years ago

9 Simple Ways to Pump up Your Fitness Routine After 60

It’s time to get pumped for fitness! Ok, not all of us like going to the gym. But, we all want to look and feel our best for as long as possible! So, in this morning’s video, I thought that I would share 9 simple ways to pump up your fitness routine after 60. Best […]

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5 years ago

The Fab and Frugal Art of Consignment Buying and Selling

Like most of you, I still buy most of my clothes from well-known shops. I just don’t have time to hand-pick every item (although I would love to!) But, when I do have time, I absolutely thrive on alternative shopping experiences. And, one of my favorites, which I want to talk about today is consignment […]

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5 years ago

Feeling a Bit Sorry for Yourself Today? How to Feel Better FAST!

No matter how happy we are most of the time – and no matter how well our lives are going – each and every one of us feels sorry for ourselves once in a while. And, in my experience, self-pity is one of the worst feelings because you know that it won’t help you to solve your problems. If anything, it can make them worse! So, today, I would like to talk about how to bounce back from feeling sorry for yourself. I hope that my video helps you to find the happiness and peace of mind that you deserve! How are you feeling today? What do you do when you are feeling a bit sorry for yourself?

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5 years ago

Are You Enjoying Solitude in Your Mature Years?

We have talked a lot about the problem of loneliness on Sixty and Me and, for many women, isolation is indeed a real problem. But, today, I want to talk about a different type of aloneness… the solitude that we can actually *enjoy* as we get a little older. In today’s video, I talk about the various kinds of quiet time that we can experience as we get a little older. I also invite you to share whether and how you are finding solitude these days. Are you enjoying your solitude in your mature years? Why or why not? Where do you go when you want to be alone? 

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5 years ago

Sleep and the Art of Embracing Your Aging Internal Clock

Do you ever find yourself nodding off while watching your favorite evening TV show? Are you frustrated by the fact that you wake up at 4:00 in the morning? Read More

5 years ago

Summer Too Hot to Handle? How to Avoid Heat Stroke as an Older Adult

Every year at around this time, we start to see stories about older adults suffering from heat stroke. Unfortunately, if the climate experts are right, this problem is only going to get worse for our generation in the coming decades. Read More

5 years ago

Fall Prevention After 60: How to Stay on Your Feet and Out of the Hospital

Fall prevention isn’t just for the “super old.” In fact, according to my guest, Dr. Leslie, every person over the age of 60 should be thinking about how to maintain their balance and avoid fall-related injuries. As someone who has had her share of falls, I couldn’t agree more! Join us as we discuss the importance of fall prevention after 60.
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