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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

Why Are Women Over 60 More Comfortable Giving Gifts than Receiving them?

Gift giving is a true art – one that most women over 60 have perfected over the years. We have bought gifts for our children, husbands, friends, teachers, nurses, mailmen, and even the neighbor’s dog.

We like to thank people, because we know what it means to be appreciated. We understand that the value of a gift is not measured by what it costs, but in the planning and thoughtfulness that went into the purchase. You know that old phrase. Read More

10 years ago

Connecting Modern Families through Magical Holiday Traditions

Even though families are spread across the world these days, the holiday season offers an opportunity to connect even the most tenuous dots. Many families live close enough to visit each other. This is great because everyone can connect physically with great food, entertainment, walks or fun planned activities. Read More

10 years ago

Wear Your Invisibility Cloak – But, Remember it Has an On/Off Switch!

Many women in their 60s feel invisible. When we walk down the street or into a crowded room, it’s easy to feel like nobody notices us, especially men. There is probably some truth to this. After all, our youth obsessed culture seems to place a much higher value on physical appearance than acquired wisdom. Read More

10 years ago

“You Look Great for Your Age” and Other Backhanded Compliments

If you’re a woman over 60, I guarantee that, at some point in the last few years, a young store clerk has called you “dear,” “honey,” or “love.” They are just trying to be sweet, of course. At the same time, they would never call someone their own age one of these names. So, why do we get the “honor” of being pampered with such gentle and obsequious titles? Read More

10 years ago

4 Fun Winter Holiday Makeup Tips for Older Women (Video)

Celebrity makeup artist, Ariane Poole, is back with some fresh and fun winter holiday tips for older women. If you are ready to enhance your look with beautiful bronzer and luscious lip gloss, you’ll love my latest interview. Read More

10 years ago

This 77-Year-Old Weightlifter Proves that Fitness After 60 is a Choice

Like many women, I never quite found my groove when it came to fitness. Gyms were no go zones for me. It wasn’t just a matter of laziness. It also felt like the travel time, expensive clothes, complicated equipment, showering and coordination would take away from my other priorities. Read More

10 years ago

Mature Dating: Should Older Women Look for Younger Men?

Many older single women spend a lot of time looking for an attractive, kind, older, single man. While it’s true that some of us find the man of our dreams after 60, the majority of women that I have spoken to are deeply skeptical of this approach. Read More

10 years ago

Want to Find Meaning in Life After 60? Mean Something to Others!

For most of us, the decades of our lives are a blur. Looking back, it’s easy to feel mixed emotions. On the one hand, we have lived exciting and varied lives. Read More

10 years ago

The Truth About Being Introverted or Extroverted that Most of Us Find Out Too Late

When you think about the word “extrovert,” what comes to mind? Read More

10 years ago

Downsizing is All About Saying “Yes!”

Over the years, we accumulate a lot of stuff. Since we live in a consumer-oriented society, this is probably inevitable. We buy homes and decorate them with furniture. Clothing is a constant source of amusement and distraction as we adjust our style to the latest trends. Then, in our 60s, we suddenly start to think about downsizing. Read More