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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

54-Year-Old Man Does 4,321 Pull-Ups, Fights Ageism

As many women in the Sixty and Me community have experienced, ageism is still alive and kicking in America. This is true in the workplace and in almost every other aspect of our lives. So, today, I was so happy to read about a 54-year-old man who is proving that age is just a number. Read More

10 years ago

Choosing to Be Happy is Good for Your Health! A Voltaire Quote

Since starting Sixty and Me, I have come across hundreds of amazing quotes and I have to say that one of my favorites is also one of the simplest. Voltaire once said, “I have chosen to be happy, it’s good for my health.” Every time I post this quote on our Facebook page, I get thousands of likes and comments, so, it seems like this is one of our community’s favorites as well!

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10 years ago

New Alzheimer’s Treatment Gives Hope to Patients, Called Breakthrough

For many boomers, nothing is scarier than the prospect of suffering from Alzheimer’s, or another form of dementia, in their later years. Many of us also worry that our partner or one of our parents will be impacted by this challenging disease at some point. Read More

10 years ago

Eating Disorders Still Impact Older Women, Study Finds

By the time we reach our 60s, most women know a thing or two about our bodies. Most of us have learned to love ourselves, warts and all. After years of trying to please others, most of us are even able to see the funny site of the aging process. At the same time, women over 60 still face a lot of outside pressure when it comes to their appearance. Read More

10 years ago

Let’s Go on a Fantasy Trip Together!

Are you a passionate traveller or someone who prefers to stay close to home? All of us dream of seeing far off places, but, even if you don’t have a lot of money, there are plenty of travel options available. Read More

10 years ago

Liam Neeson Prepares for Retirement, Shows His Softer Side

When we asked our community members to vote on this year’s sexiest man over 60, Liam Neeson was in the top 3. There’s something mysterious about Liam. On the outside, he’s an attractive, tough-guy with a voice that could make John McClane from the Die Hard film series shiver. But, below the surface, you get the feeling that Liam is more philosopher than bad guy. It’s an intriguing combination that has kept audiences entranced for decades. Read More

10 years ago

Would You Use Drugs to Reverse Aging? You May Soon Have a Choice!

Is it possible that there will be a pill to reverse aging within our lifetimes? According to new research by the Mayo Clinic, the answer to this question is leaning in the positive direction. Let’s take a look at the study and start a discussion. Read More

10 years ago

Aging Stereotypes Are Causing Discrimination in the Workplace. It’s Time to Take Action!

As many boomers know, trying to keep your career moving forward after 50 can be a frustrating experience. Aging stereotypes are just part of the story, but, they are an important part.

In a recent report titled “A New Vision for Older Workers: Retain, Retrain, Recruit”, Dr. Ros Altmann goes so far as to say that, in the U.K. most women find their careers grinding to a halt at age 45. Men get another decade of career growth before reaching a plateau, but, even they find it difficult to advance after age 55. Read More

10 years ago

Most Boomers Are Rejecting Retirement… and that’s a Good Thing for Everyone!

One of my biggest fears for the baby boomer generation is that we have taken the concept of retirement too seriously. Many of us still believe in the notion that retirement should be a time for living off your savings, relaxing and “aging gracefully.”

Now, a new study by The Pew Charitable Trusts, says that the majority of baby boomers may finally be rethinking retirement. Most people surveyed said that they didn’t plan on retiring, in a traditional sense. Instead, they said that they wanted to continue working, either in their existing job or in a new career.  Read More

10 years ago

Overcoming Loneliness is Possible if You Understand Your Social Preferences

One of the challenges when it comes to overcoming loneliness is that everyone’s idea of friendship is slightly different. In addition, each of us has a different level of comfort when it comes to social interaction. Read More