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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

5 years ago

60 Things That Women Love About Being 60 Years Old

What is being 60 years old really like? It’s a harder question than you might think. Women over 60 are unique. We try to explain to marketers that we are not easily categorized. Still, advertisers like to bunch us in categories like “Boomer” and “Senior” which to them seem safe demographic boxes. Read More

5 years ago

6 Ways to Make Your Retirement Savings Last Longer

Women over 60 are facing a unique set of challenges as we enter the traditional “retirement” years. We are living longer than ever before, and we have more interests and life goals…

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5 years ago

4 Powerful Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument After 50

When you think of a “typical” music student, you might picture a 7-year-old girl, sitting nervously in front of a piano, her tiny fingers resting lightly on the keys. Several decades ago, you may have even been that little girl…

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5 years ago

6 Ways To Find Lasting Happiness After 60

After our 60th birthday, we want to do everything we can to keep healthy, active and strong. After all, with at least 20 years more ahead of us, the investments that we make now will make all the difference in the future…

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5 years ago

Retirement Savings Looking a Little Light? Here’s How to Have the Last Laugh

Realizing that you haven’t saved enough for retirement is one of the worst experiences in the world. You worry about how you will support yourself in retirement. You start to fear getting sick in your old age. You may even start to suffer from feelings of guilt or regret as you look back at all of the bad financial decisions that you made in your life. Read More

5 years ago

What’s the Purrfect Pet for Boomers? Are You a Cat Person or a Dog Person?

Over the course of our lives, most of us have had our fair share of pets. At times, my house felt like a petting zoo, with dogs cats and birds all crying for my attention. Read More

5 years ago

What is a Geriatrician and When Do You Need One?

If you were looking for a mechanic to work on your car, you would almost certainly want to work with someone who had experience with your car’s make and model. So, why should finding a doctor after 60 be any different?

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5 years ago

How to Be Happier by Learning to See the Good in Others

People who surround themselves with positivity have an easier time seeing the good in other people. The reverse is also true. People who teach themselves to see the good in others tend to be more positive and experience happiness more deeply. Seeing the good in others requires us to question our assumptions, but, it is worth the effort. Read More

5 years ago

Embrace the Power of Reframing to Get More from Life After 60

In many ways, baby boomers have a lot to be thankful for. After all, on paper, we are the wealthiest generation of all time. We are also destined to live longer than any generation before us. Read More

5 years ago

The Surprising Connection Between Health and Happiness

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, what do you see? Do your eyes dance quickly over your reflection, too quickly to settle on any one body part? Or, perhaps you pull in your stomach, hold back your hair and pause to evaluate yourself. Are you happy with what you see? Read More