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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

How Long Will I Live? J.P. Morgan Says “Get Ready for 90”

As we approach retirement, many of us are asking “how long will I live?” This question has both emotional and practical consequences. On an emotional level, many of us are searching for new meaning in our lives, now that our kids have left the house. On a practical level, we want to know approximately how many years we have left so that we can make sure that we are financially prepared for the decades ahead. Read More

10 years ago

Soda Shocker! Diet Soda Linked to Weight Gain After 60

If you are struggling with weight gain after 60, your diet soda could be to blame. That’s the conclusion of a new study by the University of Texas. Since diet soda is marketed as a healthier alternative to regular soda, we are often lulled into a false sense of security. In reality, diet soda may be one of the reasons that, as a generation, we are getting fatter. Read More

10 years ago

New Study Shatters the Aging Stereotype of the “Grumpy Old Man”

Hollywood loves aging stereotypes. When it comes to films and TV shows, at best, older folks are portrayed as eccentric, forgetful and out of touch. At worst, they are grumpy, close-minded and just plain mean. Not much of a choice if you ask me! Read More

10 years ago

2015 Movies that Will Make You Look at Aging Differently

Historically, Hollywood has done a pretty poor job of portraying the aging process in a fair and accurate way. Older people in the movies are usually grumpy, mean, forgetful and tired. They are seldom adventurous, energetic, funny and wise. Well, there are signs that Hollywood may finally be getting the message about aging. While aging stereotypes are still pervasive in the entertainment industry, studios are at least experimenting with more positive films about older people.

Here are 4 films that are coming in 2015 that will make you look at aging differently. Read More

10 years ago

Fitter or Fatter? Why Boomers Aren’t as Healthy as People Think

One of the claims that is often made about baby boomers is that we are “the healthiest generation of all time.” But, is this really true? We are certainly destined to live longer than any generation before us. At the same time, a study from the University of Toronto is shedding doubt on the idea that we are actually healthier than other generations. Read More

10 years ago

Google CFO Retires, Reminds Boomers to Choose Our Future

Like Google CFO, Patrick Pichette, most of us baby boomers have worked 30 years or more. We’ve contributed to society, raised families and made sacrifices. Now, as we approach retirement age, many of us are starting to rethink our place in society. We are asking ourselves how much longer we want to work, who we want in our lives and which passions we want to explore. This is a good thing. Read More

10 years ago

It’s Time to Get Angry About Ageism! Madonna’s Ready for a Fight

When I first read Madonna’s recent comments about ageism in Rolling Stone, I wasn’t sure what to think. On the one hand, I’ve seen first-hand how ageism can impact people over 60. I’ve heard heart-breaking stories of people being pushed out of their jobs, passed over for promotions and marginalized socially. Ageism is real and it should be addressed. Read More

10 years ago

95-Year-Old Runner Proves Age is Just a Number

Is it true when people say that age is just a number? Well, today, I watched a video that demonstrates just how accurate this statement is. If the last time you ran a sprint was in high-school, you will definitely want to watch this video of 95-year-old Charles Eugster setting a new world record for this distance. He is amazing! Read More

10 years ago

How My Love for Travel Became the Story of My Life

When I was eight years old, my family boarded the Queen Elizabeth and we emigrated from England to Canada. It was 1956, so sea travel was not that sophisticated. But for me, it sparked a lifelong passion for travel and exploration. Read More

10 years ago

6 Ways to Fight Loneliness if You Live Alone

In a world that has become increasingly connected, you would think that it would be easy to fight loneliness. In reality, the opposite is true. Loneliness is still a big problem and it’s likely to get worse as more baby boomers reach retirement age. Read More