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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

At 60, Reba McEntire Definitely Isn’t Singing “Consider Me Gone” 

It always makes me happy to see people in their 60s, breaking aging stereotypes and living their own way. Well, Reba McEntire, who turns 60 today, definitely fits this description. As one of the most successful music artists of all time, McEntire, “The Queen of Country,” certainly doesn’t need to keep working. Read More

10 years ago

At 65, Sigourney Weaver Has Almost as Many Films to Her Name as Years Behind Her

Great news, Sigourney Weaver fans! Not only is Sigourney working on Alien 5, which is expected to release in 2017, but she is also expected to appear in three sequels to Avatar, the highest grossing movie of all time. Read More

10 years ago

Cooking Rice This Way Could Reduce the Calories by Half, Scientists Say

Have you ever joked with someone “don’t worry, I’ve taken all of the calories out” when they are reluctant to have a slice of chocolate cake? Well, scientists may not be able to make calorie-free chocolate cake (yet), but, they have discovered how to reduce the calories in a portion of rice by half. It’s a start! Read More

10 years ago

When it Comes to Ageism in Hollywood, Society is to Blame, Says Antonio Banderas

Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? That’s the crux of the question raised by Antonio Banderas’ recent comments on ageism in Hollywood. Read More

10 years ago

“Creative and Bold” or “Classic and Romantic”? What’s Your Personal Style?

Style and personality are unique to every woman and, over the years, we unconsciously establish preferences that reflect the essence of who we are. Read More

10 years ago

Old Folks Ain’t What They Used to Be – They’re Happier and Healthier, Study Says

If you are in your 60s, you probably don’t consider yourself “old.” In fact, I hope you never do! At the same time, many of us worry about how the aging process will impact us or our elderly parents. Will we, and the people close to us, live healthy, fulfilling lives well into our 90s?

Well, if you have concerns about aging, I have good news for you. According to a new study by several research institutions in Berlin, getting old isn’t what it used to be. Read More

10 years ago

Healthy Lifestyle Choices Can Help Fight Stress-Related Aging, Study Shows

There seems to be some debate over whether Winston Churchill ever actually said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” But, regardless of the ultimate source of this quote, it’s a pretty good description of how we should counter stress-related aging, according to a new study from the University of California, San Francisco. Read More

10 years ago

Elton John Turns 68, Keeps Going Like a Rocket

With over 300-million records sold, Elton John, who is 68 today, could be forgiven for retiring from the music scene and “taking it easy.” Well, that’s definitely not his style. In fact, between his live performances, studio efforts and film work, it seems like Elton John is busier than ever. Read More

10 years ago

Let’s Fight Invisibility by Celebrating the 50th Birthdays of these 5 Celebrities

You might wonder why I am choosing to celebrate the 50th birthdays of celebrities on a website dedicated to finding happiness and making friends after 50. After all, don’t celebrities have all the money, friends and happiness they could wish for? Perhaps, but, their lives are worth celebrating for a different reason – they can help us to fight invisibility and change perceptions about aging.  Read More

10 years ago

25 Years After the Release of “Pretty Woman”, Cast Reunites for One Night Only

When we asked the women in our Sixty and Me community to vote for this year’s “sexiest man over 60,” Richard Gere was the clear winner – and, while Julia Roberts still has a decade to go before her 60th birthday, it’s clear that she is one of the most radiant and stylish women of any age. Is it any surprise that we were so captivated when we first saw them together in Pretty Woman? Read More