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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

5 years ago

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Balance After 50

It wasn’t the first time I fell, but, as I lay there in the rain, on a quiet Paris street, I vowed that it would be the last time! Several years have passed since my last fall and I don’t know whether I really will make it through my entire life without another. But, I am definitely going to do my best! Read More

5 years ago

“Don’t Talk to Strangers” Great Advice for Kids, Horrible Advice for Adults

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. You’re sitting in your living room, waiting for your child to come home. They’re 5 minutes late. Then 15. Then the panic sets in.

As parents, we wanted to do everything we could to protect our kids from our own imagined fears. If we could have surrounded them in bubble-wrap and assigned them bodyguards, we would have.

But, since our kids would never let us get away with that, we did the next best thing. We nagged, bribed, threatened and cajoled them. We told them, in a hundred different ways, “Don’t talk to strangers.” Then, we hoped for the best. Read More

5 years ago

How to Sleep Well and Get More from Life After 60

What pops into your mind when you think about the following question – what does it take to get the most from life after 50? If you are like most people, your thoughts probably jumped to suggestions like “being more productive” or “following your passions…”

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5 years ago

Trouble Sleeping After 60? It May be Too Hot (or Cold) in the Bedroom

Sleep is a mysterious process.

For hours a day, we are whisked away to a magical world, fueled by our subconscious. As a result, we have a tendency to think of sleep as being out of our control. Read More

5 years ago

7 Pairs of Shoes Every Woman Over 60 Should Own

There are hundreds of articles and books that will tell you how to cope with turning 60. Trust me – I know how hard this can be. I stayed 59 for several years before deciding to accept my aging body and embrace my true self. Read More

5 years ago

Living on a Cruise Ship: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

On the surface, living on a cruise ship sounds like heaven. Just imagine. It’s 7am and you are awoken by the sunrise and the sounds of sea birds. You stretch, throw on a robe and make your way to your balcony. Moments later, your husband returns with two cappuccinos and a carafe of fresh orange juice. Read More

5 years ago

Part Time Jobs for Seniors: How to Find a Job to Enjoy in Retirement

Women over 60 are exploring new possibilities in life. For many of us, this means working in retirement. The reasons may surprise you.

Jobs for Seniors Aren’t Just About Money

Although many women over 60 are definitely interested in making their retirement savings last longer, the number one motivator for working in retirement is not always “to make money.” Whether we need the money or not, many women over 60 want to stay active, stay involved in the world, and keep making a meaningful contribution to an organization or cause that we care about. Read More

5 years ago

These Amazing Travel Programs Will Help You to Connect with Your Grandkids

Children are natural born explorers. With a wild and wonderful sense of adventure, my little 2-year-old grandson Max loves leading me through his playground “jungle” in search of “meows” (aka cats). My 11-year-old grandson Jack is now questioning everything and with a maturing imagination, inspired by the fantasy lands of Harry Potter!

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5 years ago

Having Trouble Sticking with Balance Exercises for Seniors? This One Trick Will Help!

Just like exercise and good nutrition, we all know that balance exercises for seniors are important. As a 70-year-old woman, I don’t consider myself “old” and I certainly don’t feel like a “senior” but I also understand that I am getting to an age where falls are a very real danger. Read More

5 years ago

60 Ways to Get More from Life after Retirement

Reaching retirement is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, after decades of following other peoples’ rules, there is a sense of relief that you will finally get to live the way that you want to. On the other hand…

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