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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

Lily Tomlin and Sam Elliott Appear Together in “Grandma” – Their New Roles May Surprise You

Two of my favorite actors of all time are Lily Tomlin and Sam Elliott, so, I was so excited to find out that they will be appearing in “Grandma,” a new film by Sony Pictures. In the film, Tomlin plays an opinionated, yet ultimately charming grandma, who is refusing to be invisible after 60. Read More

9 years ago

60 Secrets to a Happy Marriage After 60 from your Sisters at Sixty and Me

“Love and marriage, love and marriage go together…” Well, you know the rest of the song. If only it was that easy! In many ways, falling in love is simple. Turning our passion into a lasting marriage is something else entirely. Fortunately, we have our sisters in the Sixty and Me community to turn to for advice. Many people in our community have been happily married for 4 decades of more and they want to share their secrets with you. Read More

9 years ago

What is the Relationship Between Spirituality and Aging? (Video)

Spirituality is not just a tool for addressing the challenges of aging. It is a key to reaching our potential at any age. This is the view of Carol Orsborn, who has written 21 books and dedicated her life to helping boomers to find meaning and purpose in their lives. Read More

9 years ago

Starting a Business After 50 (Part 4): Setting Up Your Website

Talking with the other members of our community, I am amazed by how many good ideas people have for businesses. Even more surprising is how few of these ideas ever become reality.

It’s not that older adults are lacking energy or drive. Read More

9 years ago

Want a Happier Life After 60? Eliminate These Negative Thoughts

Many women are struggling to find happiness in life after 60. On the surface, you might think that our inability to be happy comes from our complex lives. After all, many of us have experienced divorces and deaths in the family. Some have lost parents and watched their children grow up and move away. Others have experienced health challenges of one kind of another. But, despite the fact that we share similar challenges, some of us are much happier than others. The question is, why? Read More

9 years ago

The Difference Between Being Alone and Being Lonely After 60

If you have been following Sixty and Me for a while, you know that one of my big ambitions is to help solve the problem of loneliness among Baby Boomers. This is one of the reasons that I launched Boomerly, a new site to help Boomers make friends who share their interests. Read More

9 years ago

Talking About Death with Your Family is Painful, but, Important

We have all sat around the dinner table countless times, talking with our families about every topic under the sun – politics, people, shopping, work, movies, books, and our plans for next year’s holiday. Read More

9 years ago

How to Start a Business After 50 (Part 3): Refining Your Idea

Let’s start with some good news. If you have taken the time to identify your strengths and brainstorm business ideas, you’re already ahead of 90% of people who dream about starting a business. While others fantasize about financial security, you have taken action. By now, you should have a rough idea of the kinds of business opportunities that you are interested in. Now it’s time to refine your ideas so that they can form the basis of your profitable business. Read More

9 years ago

Sam Elliott is Back on “The Ranch” a New Netflix Series

Sam Elliott has always been a favorite of older women everywhere. There is something about his combination of genuine kindness and rough manly personality that makes us go crazy. In fact, when Sam turned 71, a few days ago, over 5,000 women in our community took the time to wish him a happy birthday! Read More

9 years ago

12 Fun Facts About the Supremely Talented Helen Mirren

Every time I ask the women in the Sixty and Me community who their favorite actresses are, Helen Mirren is right at the top of the list. Read More