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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

Happy 69th Birthday Sally Field – We Love Your Versatility and Your Values

Sally Field is 69 today, November 6, 2015 and I wanted to share a few facts about this amazing woman that you may not already know. Let’s take a few minutes to celebrate her life so far. Then, let’s all wish her a very happy birthday in the comments section at the end of this article. Read More

9 years ago

Happy 60th Birthday Maria Shriver – You Are a Wonderful Advocate for Women’s Empowerment

I have a lot of respect for Maria Shriver. She is an author, journalist and advocate for women’s empowerment. She also happens to be the ex-wife of former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. She has been a public figure all her life. Read More

9 years ago

Who Was the Best James Bond? Ask the Women Who Saw Them All!

Who was the best James Bond? The question is more difficult than is sounds! In many ways, James Bond transcends the actors that have been lucky enough to play him. You could even argue that he shapes the men who play him more than the other way around. Read More

9 years ago

Looking for More from Life After Retirement? Follow the Advice of Your Sixty and Me Sisters

Life after retirement can be a time of unlimited possibility. With fewer commitments to others, we are finally free to explore the world and pursue our passions. At the same time, retiring can be confusing. Unfortunately, many of us have already lost our parents, making it difficult to know who to turn to for advice. Read More

9 years ago

60 Women Share their Advice for Surviving a Divorce After 60

Divorce after 60 may be painful, but, at least it is no longer a taboo subject. It’s also a challenge that more and more women are facing as our generation ages. Read More

9 years ago

A Simple Lifestyle Reveals a Sophisticated Woman – Finding Happiness After 60

For me, simplicity is a verb. It is about taking action to create a lifestyle that is essential, honest and authentic. It is not about saying “no” to possessions. It is about saying “yes” to the things in life that really matter. Read More

9 years ago

When I Die I Want to Be a Tree

When we are young, we almost never think about dying. As children, life stretches out in front of us, magical and endless. But, as we get a little older, many of us start to wonder about what happens to us after we die. Read More

9 years ago

3 Unexpected Benefits of Working in Retirement – It’s Not Just About Money

Why would you even consider working in retirement? After all, most people think about retirement as being a time to take a well-deserved break. After decades of hard work, we look forward to pursuing our passions, spending time with our family and, if we can afford it, traveling. Read More

9 years ago

Looking Back at the Women’s Movement. Did it Help or Hurt?

The women’s movement was a significant cultural and social movement in the 1960s. Its goal was to achieve reforms to benefit women in the areas of maternity leave, domestic violence, sexual harassment and equal pay. Many women in their 60s today struggled with these issues when they were younger. Read More

9 years ago

When it Comes to Senior Dating, Women Should Leave these Things Behind

When it comes to senior dating, having lots of life experience is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, by the time we reach our 50s and 60s, we know who we are and what we want from life. In many ways, we also have more to offer a potential partner. Read More