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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

9 years ago

4 Surprising Ways Getting Old Ain’t What it Used to Be

Getting old sucks. If you wanted to describe how society views the aging process, these three words would probably sum it up. Read More

9 years ago

How to Stick With Your New Year’s Resolutions

Women over 60 are often interested in self-improvement and making positive changes in our lives. New Year’s Resolutions can be an ideal opportunity to take stock of where we are in life and chart a course for where we want to go during the year ahead. Read More

9 years ago

How to Be Happier this New Year in 6 Easy Steps

What does happiness mean to you?

Often when people are young, we have a rather regimented idea of happiness – we might have thought, when we were younger, “I’ll be happy when I get to a certain place in my career,” or “I’ll be happy when I win the approval and esteem of my friends,” or “I’ll be happy when I can fit into that beautiful dress at the store,” or “I’ll be happy when I get to go on that nice vacation next summer.” Read More

9 years ago

3 Ways that Human Kindness Can Transform Your Life After 60

When we are asked to describe an ideal friend, many of us use the word “kind.” We are drawn to people who are trustworthy, sympathetic, thoughtful and caring. We may throw in some other “nice to haves,” but, at a fundamental level, simple human kindness is what we need from each other. Read More

9 years ago

6 Life-Changing New Year’s Resolutions for Women Over 60

If there’s one characteristic that many women over 60 seem to possess in abundance, it’s our sense of resilience and dynamism. Women over 60 have witnessed massive changes in society and in ourselves during the course of our lives.

As we approach another New Year, it’s time to take stock of what else we might like to change in our lives by setting some New Year’s resolutions. Read More

9 years ago

Happy Holidays – May All Your Dreams Come True!

Wherever you are in the world today, I’d like to ask a favour. Please leave a comment below for everyone in the Sixty and Me community to wish them a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holidays! Read More

9 years ago

Spending Christmas Alone – with Millions of Other Women

It’s easy to feel sad and lonely if you are spending Christmas alone. I would guess that, in our 60 years of life, almost everyone has spent at least one holiday season by themselves. There are, of course, lots of reasons that this might be the case.

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9 years ago

Advice for Reinventing Yourself After 60 from Women Just Like You

When you think about the term “reinventing yourself,” you probably imagine people who made big changes in their lives. You may know people who quit their jobs to start their own businesses. Or, perhaps you remember news stories about sky-diving 90-year-olds or weight-lifters in their 70s. Read More

9 years ago

How Volunteer Work Can Help You to Find Meaning in Your Life After 60

As young women, we found a great deal of meaning in our volunteer work. Then, life took over. As our energy shifted to our families, many of us found it increasingly difficult to stay engaged with the volunteer organizations that we loved. Read More

9 years ago

Should You Use a Younger Picture on Your Over 50 Dating Profile?

Exploring an over 50 dating site is an emotional experience for most women. Not only are many of us nervous about being back in the dating scene after decades of stability, but, we also have to put ourselves out there for the world to see. Read More