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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

5 months ago

Making Friends After 60: 9 Creative Groups Focused on Building Communities

The world is changing for 60-year-old women. We no longer have the social context that we enjoyed as a wife, parent or co-worker. Building community and creating a network of like-minded friends is a challenge, but not impossible…

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6 months ago

Color Selection is Essential to Fashion for Older Women

Be honest. How many times have you purchased something just because you “loved the color”? Other than fit, one of the first things that we look at when choosing a new item of clothing is the color. Unfortunately…

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6 months ago

9 Fun Part-Time Jobs for Retirees that Anyone Can Do

Women over 60 are no strangers to hard work. Most of us have worked all our lives, whether it’s at a full-time job or caring for children or for aging parents. But as we approach retirement age, many older women are starting to think about…

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7 months ago

My Downsizing Journey and Pet Memories

I remember the morning 13+ years ago when I woke up still in Brazil thanks to lingering jet lag. I had just spent a beautiful Christmas with my son and his wife in Cumbuco, Brazil. Spending a week by a sparkling beach in a simple and minimalist flat…

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8 months ago

Learn to Simplify Your Life, Possessions and Priorities

The journey to simplify my life has taken many detours over the past few years. After moving from London to Switzerland in July 2013, I put all my energy and passion into launching a new business, Sixty and Me. It has now grown into a community…

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8 months ago

How to Let Go of Your Original Art Collection and Paint Memories in Your Heart Instead

When we put together a list of things we want to experience in our lives before we die, there is one thing that is often included. Many people long for a portrait of themselves – painted with something long-lasting and memorable – oils, watercolors or pastels…

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8 months ago

The Best 40th Wedding Anniversary Gifts, According to the People Actually Receiving Them

If you do an Internet search for 40th wedding anniversary gifts, you will find hundreds of pages that tell you pretty much the same thing. The traditional 40th anniversary gift is “ruby.” If you want a cheaper option, go for something red…

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9 months ago

50 Gift Ideas for 70th Birthday

Your 70th birthday is a big one! I experienced it already, so I know. The inevitable question is, “What gift would you like?” It will come as no surprise that my first wish was to have my sons and grandchildren all together…

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9 months ago

How Letting Go of My Cake Cutter Demonstrates the Emotional Complexity of Downsizing!

Downsizing is always a personal journey. For older women, in particular, the downsizing lifestyle involves a major shift in mindset. We don’t just have a few things here and there to throw away. We have a lifetime of memories and purchases…

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9 months ago

Looking for the Best Long Hair Styles for Older Women? This Video is for You! (Video)

Making it to your 60s with long hair is something of a victory. After all, there are many times during our lives when we face a lot of pressure to cut our hair. Finding the best long hairstyles for older women can be a challenge for exactly this reason…

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