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Marcia Smalley is a certified retirement coach and life coach, a writer and a teacher. She delights in helping mid-life women step confidently into their next act and design a joyous, expanded life. Marcia provides coaching support to women who are navigating retirement or other life transitions and writes a monthly e-newsletter to her entire online community. Please visit her website at

Latest Posts By Marcia Smalley

3 years ago

How to Make Retired Life a Pleasurable Experience

Many of us look forward to the day we retire. As our professional lives wind down, that moment we can finally leave it all behind beckons us like a Promised Land. I retired from a demanding career five years ago, and I can say that much of that promised bliss is real…

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3 years ago

Bored with Everyday Life? 5 Easy and Fun Ideas to Get Your Sparkle Back After 60

Most of us feel grateful. We’ve come far and lived long. Yet all of us are human. So even amidst all that gratitude, we can occasionally feel antsy. Restless. I daresay, bored. Although now in our 60s, we can morph into those blasé children we were when…

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3 years ago

How Even a Simple Getaway Can Bring a Welcome Shift

Leaving the neighborhood felt momentous. In 15 months, we’d ventured beyond our city limits once, to an AirBnB in the local mountains where we’d brought our own food, avoided almost everyone, and wandered outdoor trails…

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3 years ago

Who Are the Heroines That Changed Your Life?

Superheroes don’t always wear capes. Neither do super heroines. Just after Mother’s Day, my virtual Women’s Circle CAFE group devoted an hour to talking about the heroines who changed our lives. And there wasn’t a cape to be found…

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4 years ago

Forget Downsizing! There’s an Upside to Upsizing After 60

Is it true that downsizing is a natural part of aging? If so, I’m in trouble. My husband and I just moved into the house we designed, situated on five acres of rural property. It’s the largest space I’ve ever lived in. We chose to go bigger…

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4 years ago

When a Book Club Turns into Something More

A lot has been written about friendship in our 50s, 60s, and beyond. I’ve written articles about it, too. Whether we’re welcoming new friends or faithfully committing to the ones we have, women understand the benefits…

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4 years ago

Pandemic Puppy Wisdom: Lessons from an Unexpected Source

We knew what bringing home a puppy means because we’d done it before. (And that time we had brought home two!) We had no illusions: puppies are a lot of work, they demand most of your time, it won’t be easy…

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4 years ago

4 Ways to Release Your Inner Artist in Your 60s

I never used to think of myself as creative. Artists are creative, and artists paint. I can’t even draw. Read More

4 years ago

What My Inner Heroine Is Teaching Me During the Pandemic

The Heroine’s (or Hero’s) Journey is a recognizable framework. It’s been used in myths and stories throughout the ages and studied by scholars like Joseph Campbell. In a nutshell, a regular person leading an ordinary life unexpectedly…

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4 years ago

13 Powerful Lessons for Aging Well, Inside and Out

Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake. (Anonymous)

The older I get, the harder it is to argue with this advice. Knee deep into my sixth decade, I’ve gathered a few more pearls of wisdom along the way. These lessons are helping me blaze an easier trail through my journey of aging. Read More