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Lynn Clare is a freelance writer living in Denver, Colorado. She is an avid traveler and loves writing about her adventures for women who travel solo at

Latest Posts By Lynn Clare

6 years ago

9 Reasons Why Cruising Is Great for Solo Women Travelers

There aren’t many trip options that are so well suited to solo travelers as cruising. Where else can you go that you have the perfect balance of social interaction and as much quiet personal time as you desire? Read More

6 years ago

6 Things to Do When Planning a Perfect Short Getaway in Florida

Sometimes you need a break but don’t have the time or budget for a big trip. Short little getaways can be the perfect solution.

For me, the combination of sun and sand can really set me right in a short amount of time. It makes me feel like I’ve stepped into a tropical paradise even though I may only be a couple of hours from home. Read More

7 years ago

“Treasure, Transfer or Toss”: Exploring the Philosophy of Downsizing in Retirement

When I downsized before moving to Florida, I put my most cherished possessions into one small 5 x 10 storage unit and left my car with my daughter. At the time, I was a bit concerned that I might be getting rid of too many things, but I didn’t want to store anything that wasn’t useful or meaningful to me. Read More

7 years ago

Why I Love to Travel: The Appeal of Constant Travel and Discovery

Some people stay in one place most or all their lives and are very content. Then there are some, like me, who crave change and move frequently from place to place.   Read More

7 years ago

Why a Solo Cruise Can Be a Wonderful Lifetime Experience

My first solo cruise was such a great experience, much easier and more fun than I ever expected. It was a small ship (700 passengers) and not entirely full so it was a good way for me to try cruising. Also, I met so many wonderful people – couples and singles – who were happy to talk about their experiences and give me good information on what to consider if I wanted to continue cruising. Read More

8 years ago

Sailing Solo: What I Learned from My First Cruise Alone

I had always wanted to take a cruise.

Everyone I know who’s ever gone has loved it and had wonderful stories to share. It seemed like an easy and fun way to go to many different destinations and travel with others closer to my own age. I received some great advice from people about how to pick the cruise that was right for me. Read More

8 years ago

Stress-Free Travel After 60 is Possible – Just Don’t Forget Your Magic Wand!

Years ago, when I encountered any sort of problem or difficulty at work, I would tell my team not to worry. I would reassure them that I would just bring in my magic wand. Everything would be fine. Read More

8 years ago

What I Learned from My Downsizing Adventure

I’ve been considering moving for several years now. I have wanted to downsize and move somewhere warm and be close to the water. Read More

8 years ago

Everything I Was Told About Getting Older Was Wrong

Getting older was something that I always heard the women in my family talk about. They discussed how awful the “change” was and said that life would never be the same again. It was always a very sad and disappointing topic. Read More

9 years ago

Packing Challenge: 3 Weeks – 2 Climates – 1 Bag

Last year, as I prepared for a spring trip to Europe, I thought about all of the different activities and climates I would need to plan for. There would be sunny beaches in Spain, cold and wet hikes in Ireland and of course the fantastic dinners and dances with my friends. Read More