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Lynn Clare is a freelance writer living in Denver, Colorado. She is an avid traveler and loves writing about her adventures for women who travel solo at

Latest Posts By Lynn Clare

6 months ago

I Am My New Priority

It has taken me over 60 years, but I have finally come to understand that you truly cannot take care of anyone else unless you take care of yourself first. Just like the safety instructions on an airplane – Put Your Oxygen Mask on First!

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7 months ago

Emotional Decluttering in My 60s

As I look back on my life, I can see all the events and circumstances that brought me to where I am now. I am grateful for every situation and relationship that helped me to grow into the woman I am today…

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10 months ago

How I Went from Downsizing to Minimalism

I began my downsizing journey many years ago. I found that it is more of an ongoing process than an event. Even though there were many events within the process, it was always focused around the removal of things. All of those cherished possessions…

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11 months ago

Life Begins When We Learn the Meaning of Gratitude

We’ve all heard it many times and many different ways during our lives. Count your blessings, give thanks, feel lucky for what you have, think of people who don’t have as much. We understand the words, but seldom do we stop to think…

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1 year ago

3 Things to Remember When Taking the First Step Towards Retirement

I’m learning each day to look forward to what is coming as I stand where I am today. Being present in my life right here and now has created an appreciation for all that I have and an eagerness for what is yet to come. Every change I make…

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1 year ago

I Found My True Self in My 60s and You Can Too!

Sometimes as we age, our true essence can begin to fade. A life that was once vibrant and grand can become subdued and pale. You continue on, day by day with what needs to done and in many ways going through the motions but the spirit can be diminished…

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2 years ago

How Making Bread Helped Me to Learn About Setting Boundaries

I was grateful to be in the process of making bread when I received her text message. She wanted to talk. What about? I had no idea, and after a year of not speaking, I felt sick to my stomach even thinking about it…

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2 years ago

Finding Your Path After 60 with Purpose and Heart

As we age, it becomes apparent that we must create new lives. Will we change careers, begin retirement, travel, downsize or stay where we are? Whatever the changes, they are often associated with the fear of making those choices…

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2 years ago

Suitcase Closet Clearing – or How I Got My Closet in Order

No matter how often I clean out my closet, I always seem to accumulate more clothes than I ever need. Some old, some new, and most that I know I will never wear. Every time the season changes, I set a new goal of clearing out the excess…

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2 years ago

5 Vacation Planning Tips for Dynamic Older Travelers

So, you’ve just booked your fantastic holiday or family vacation – now what? Getting ready to leave is much more complicated than just packing. There are so many arrangements that need to be made before leaving home. It doesn’t matter if…

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