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Lynda Goldman is the publisher of Healthy Organic Woman, a leading online magazine and website, where she shares her passion for eating healthy organic food. Get a free report, 50 Shades of Organic at as well as Healthy Organic Woman online magazine.

Latest Posts By Lynda Goldman

8 months ago

Container Gardening: 5 Steps to Growing Organic Vegetables in Small Spaces

Are you tired of red peppers and tomatoes that taste like cardboard? Do you buy organic fruits and vegetables, but wish the prices were lower? Do you live in a condo, apartment or small space and yearn to grow your own fresh organic vegetables…

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3 years ago

How to Make Money in Retirement by Sharing Your Passion for Health

For most of my life I’ve been unemployable. That doesn’t mean I haven’t had jobs. I was a college language teacher for many years. That led to an opportunity to write textbooks – and I found that I loved the creativity of writing…

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10 years ago

7 Reasons Boomers Should Love Their Local Health Food Store

Local health food stores have always been magical places for me. This may seem funny, because when I discovered them almost 40 years ago, they were often in dingy basements, staffed by earnest macro-biotic types, and stocked with unappealing tofu, brown rice and medicinal herbs. Read More