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Lucinda Sykes, MD, is a Canadian physician who has taught medical programs of mindfulness since 1997. She is the longtime director of Meditation for Health clinic [] in Toronto. ‘Joyful After 50’ is her clinic’s special interest group for Women 50+.

Latest Posts By Lucinda Sykes

1 year ago

Why Optimistic Women Live Longer and Healthier – Are You One of Them?

Optimism supports women’s good health – especially in aging. That’s the evidence of dozens of research studies. People with an optimistic attitude tend to have better health outcomes and more years of healthy life. In fact, if optimism were a drug…

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3 years ago

Ageism vs The Wisdom of the Elders

‘Ageism’ is a word first coined in 1969 by American psychiatrist Robert N. Butler. He was referring to systematic stereotyping or discrimination against people because they are old. Through the years, the definition of ‘ageism’ has evolved to mean prejudice…

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3 years ago

What Does Evolution Say About the Natural Power of Women After Menopause

Women often underestimate the value of post-menopausal life. I’ve been practicing medicine for 40 years, and many times I’ve heard women talk of their self-doubt after menopause. They’ve told me: “The best part of life is over…” “I feel irrelevant…”

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