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Lori Martinek is a successful entrepreneur, author and mentor to new and aspiring business owners. She is the owner of Encore Business Advisors and the founder of MindingHerBiz, a pro bono project which helps women embrace small business ownership. Her latest book, Retiring Solo, is available on Amazon.

Latest Posts By Lori Martinek

3 years ago

Living on Solo Security: 4 Keys to Living Alone Without the Worries

Living by yourself? Join the crowd. The number of adults ages 45 to 64 who live alone has grown by more than 20 percent over the past decade alone. In 2020, the numbers worldwide reach 330 million people. Solo dwellers report…

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3 years ago

Why Unretirement Can Be What You’re Looking for After 60

Sometimes retirement doesn’t turn out the way we imagined. We may not be ready emotionally or financially, or have enough activities to fill up a once busy calendar. We may miss the day-to-day social interactions of the workplace or find it hard to make…

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3 years ago

Do You Worry About Growing Older Alone? Here’s What to Do About it!

Women are worriers by nature. We worry about our families, our friends and our future. Those of us who live alone have learned to be independent – but that doesn’t stop us from worrying about the years ahead. As a single small business owner who lives alone…

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4 years ago

Why Your 60s Are the Best Time to Start a Business

Retirement has changed. A lot. Today it is more about transitions, rather than endings; more of a journey rather than a milestone. Read More

4 years ago

Let’s Embrace the Power of Positive Ageing!

You can be happier and healthier as you grow older by embracing positive ageing. Read More

5 years ago

Reinventing How Women Over 60 Live in Retirement

We urgently need to reinvent how women live in retirement. Here’s how we might do it.

There’s a lifestyle shift in progress as single women are searching for new ways to live in community as they navigate their 60s and beyond. Read More

5 years ago

Is Living in a Retirement Community Right for You? Here’s How to Find Out!

A few years ago, I began thinking about how I would choose to live if I could live any way that I wanted to. Read More

7 years ago

Navigating the New 60: How to Become Your Next Best Self

I am closing in on my 60th birthday, and I am excited to be facing a new decade. Why? Because I see this big benchmark birthday as an opportunity to transition to my next, best self. Read More