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Elizabeth Dunkel is a writer and novelist who recently moved back to the U.S. after living in Merida, Mexico for 25 years. Elizabeth is the proud founder of the Merida English Library. As a Cambridge CELTA certified teacher of ESL, she considers herself not just a teacher but a dream maker. “Teaching English empowers people to reach their dreams.”

Latest Posts By Elizabeth Dunkel

7 years ago

Not So Guilty Pleasures: 3 Life Enhancers to Make You Feel Like a Million Bucks After 60

Who doesn’t love it when they find a pleasure that’s absolutely free? Not only do I know I’ve treated myself to something wonderful, I feel very clever about it, which makes me feel, well, rich. And that is the whole point of my philosophy of living like a millionaire on a retirement budget. Read More

7 years ago

How to Handle the Fear of a Health Emergency While Traveling as an Older Woman

This is the scenario no one wants to imagine. I went on an Alaskan cruise, healthy and fit, and ended up leaving the ship in an ambulance for the emergency room of the local Ketchikan hospital. Read More

7 years ago

8 Surprising Things I Learned During My First Cruise Experience

Why had it taken so long for me to go on a cruise?

The first thing that comes to mind is that for years I was working and raising a family. Saving for college and retirement. Cruises are not inexpensive, so I wasn’t able to take my family on a cruise, nor was I going to go off alone. So for me, timing was largely the issue. And now, the time had come. Read More

7 years ago

10 Things I Learned from Rick and Leo About Creating an Inspiring Retirement

I am now officially retired. Yes, I know, the word retirement is antiquated and ridiculous. I didn’t retire from life. Rather, I stopped working 9-5, five days a week and getting a paycheck. Now I work 10 hours a day writing, researching, reading and blogging – and get no paycheck. Read More

7 years ago

Living Like a Princess on Social Security – Yes, it’s Possible!

I recently read an article in Forbes titled, “Quit your job and live abroad in places so cheap you might not need to work.” I was so fascinated by this that I decided to add up the numbers of my cost of living to see how I fared in the scheme of things. Read More

7 years ago

Hip Hip Hooray! How to Get Through a Hip Replacement with Grace and Positivity

My hip hurt for years; I started limping. But I lived with the pain because I didn’t want to pay attention to it when there were so many more interesting things to do! When friends suggested hip replacement, I recoiled. Hip replacement was a dirty word in my life…

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8 years ago

Forget 5-Star Hotels! Being a Houseguest is the Millionaire Way to Travel

What hotel does Oprah stay in? Or Richard Branson? Or Bill Gates? Or Mark Zuckerberg?

They don’t. Well, occasionally they might. But more often, the super-rich stay with their super-rich friends. Why stay in a hotel when you can stay on a private island, in an extravagant ski chalet, at beach and lake houses or city flats?
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8 years ago

How to Dine Extravagantly, Even When You’re on a Budget

We do it three times a day, so it might as well be fabulous, fantastic, delicious, delightful. Even if we’re watching our weight. Especially if we’re watching our weight. Read More

8 years ago

Are You the Same Person You Were in High School? Yes, it Matters!

Whoever first said that life is like high school all the time sure hit the nail on the head.

An aside – Yes, I know that’s a cliché, but I love it. Because I know exactly how hard it is to hit the nail on the head when I’m trying to drive a nail into something!
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8 years ago

How to Feel Like a Millionaire Inside, No Matter What’s Going on Outside

Recently, a reader of my Millionaire series commented that perhaps thinking like a millionaire isn’t something to be aspired to because “What’s so good about being acquisitive, status oriented and power hungry?” Read More