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Elizabeth Dunkel is a writer and novelist who recently moved back to the U.S. after living in Merida, Mexico for 25 years. Elizabeth is the proud founder of the Merida English Library. As a Cambridge CELTA certified teacher of ESL, she considers herself not just a teacher but a dream maker. “Teaching English empowers people to reach their dreams.”

Latest Posts By Elizabeth Dunkel

5 years ago

How to Travel Like a Queen on a Retirement Budget

Well, I certainly don’t have my own plane and can’t afford super luxury hotels on Lake Como. But when I look at the attributes of what is considered luxury travel, there are many ways I can accomplish them even on a budget. Read More

5 years ago

Feeling Sorry for Yourself? 8 Gentle Ways to Melt That Horrible Feeling Away

It was the Fourth of July. I had recently moved to the U.S., after 25 years of living abroad, and knew not one soul in the city. From the window of my high-rise flat, I could see the city was jubilant…

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5 years ago

Entertaining Like a Millionaire on a Retirement Budget

I have long believed that taking someone into your home and giving them a meal is one of the kindest and most luxurious things you can do. The world is a noisy, busy place.

We are all involved in our own little dramas. And the act of being invited in from the cold (even when it’s hot!) is a true delight. To be treated kindly, to be fed is a luxury of the highest order. Read More

5 years ago

7 Priceless Tips for Retiring Abroad (#2 Could Save Your Sanity!)

International moving is not for sissies! It’s a jolt to every cell in your body. I know – I just did a reverse commute! Read More

5 years ago

How I Lost Weight on My Cruise

All you ever hear from people is how much weight they gained during their cruise. “The food was so good,” they groan. They ate like crazy and now they have to diet.

Well, I’m here to report that I went on a cruise and lost weight. Hah! Read More

6 years ago

How a Single Older Woman Can Meet 150 New People in 3 Hours

Recently, I wrote an article about being single and feeling fabulous about it. The response was enormous and the comments were enlightening! Read More

6 years ago

Loving Life After 60: Are You Living Where Your Soul Feels at Home?

I live in the tropical jungle and dream of cities and cold. A friend lives in an Edwardian, Edinburgh townhouse and dreams of a chic, modern glass dwelling at the beach. Read More

6 years ago

How “Fear-Setting” Can Change Your Life After 60

For the last few years, I’ve been paralyzed by the fears I create in my mind about moving away from a place where I’ve lived for 28 years. Read More

6 years ago

9 Major Tips for Packing and Moving in Your 60s with Grace and Style

Chances are, sometime in your 60s, the moment arrives when you have to, or want to, move out of your long-time home. Whether you’re downsizing into a smaller, easier space to care for, or charting a new lifestyle in a new place, the word ‘move’ creates dread in every heart…

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6 years ago

If You Are Feeling Too Old to Travel, Say Hello to Slow Travel

I hadn’t been to Europe in many years, so I spontaneously decided to ‘dash’ across the pond with my carry-on and explore some new cities and countries…

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