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Elizabeth Dunkel is a writer and novelist who recently moved back to the U.S. after living in Merida, Mexico for 25 years. Elizabeth is the proud founder of the Merida English Library. As a Cambridge CELTA certified teacher of ESL, she considers herself not just a teacher but a dream maker. “Teaching English empowers people to reach their dreams.”

Latest Posts By Elizabeth Dunkel

4 years ago

An Interview with a Retired Millionaire: Living Better for Less in Retirement

Today, I wanted to share an interview I had with a millionaire who has just retired. I wanted us to see how she thinks, how she lives, what she does. I hope it gives you some perspective about your life, your retirement savings and your relationship to money. Read More

4 years ago

Confessions of a Lonely Woman: Overcoming Loneliness Starts with Yourself

A lonely woman. Aren’t these powerful, dare I say, almost ugly words? Conjuring up someone pathetic, perhaps? Loneliness is now considered not only dangerous for your health but even a fatal condition…

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4 years ago

How to Use the Internet to Feel Like a Millionaire

Who wants to be a millionaire? We all do. What does that mean? For me it means not worrying about money, doing what I want and enjoying the luxuries that life has to offer. Read More

5 years ago

Lobster or Chicken? How to Spend Your Money in Retirement

I saw this as a little blurb in an AARP article: “When you eat out, do you order lobster or chicken?” I stopped cold. I order the chicken, of course. And now I’m annoyed with myself. Read More

5 years ago

Already Downsized? Learn How to Buy Without Adding Clutter to Your Life

If I read one more article about downsizing and decluttering, I think I’ll scream. At first it was refreshingly liberating, this KonMari method of asking, “Does this item bring me joy?” – yes, you’re in; no you’re out. Boom!

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5 years ago

10 Hard Truths Unveiled About Retiring Abroad – Experience Is Everything!

“Living abroad is a lot of work,” I tell people who ask me what it was like to live in Mexico for decades. I recently moved back to the United States, and I thought I’d share my first-hand knowledge with everyone…

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5 years ago

A New Decade Begins – Hello, 2020! Let’s Embrace the New while Staying Wise of the Past

Have you considered that our upcoming new year is 2020? It has quite literally snuck up on us! We are entering a new decade. Remember when it turned 2000? Can you believe that it’s now 20 years later?

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5 years ago

13 Revelations I Brought Home from My Iconic 50th High School Reunion

We slipped quietly into our hometown, arriving one by one – by car, taxi, bus, or train. We all wondered what we would feel. It all looks the same! It all looks different!

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5 years ago

8 Tips for Your First Adventure Cruise

This is how I describe my first adventure cruise: “Summer camp for adults with gourmet food and alcohol.” Read More

5 years ago

Don’t Want to Attend Your 50th High School Reunion? 5 Authentic, Important Reasons to Go!

I can’t believe it, just as no one can believe it: the famous 50th high school reunion has cropped up on me. The sentiments have long been expressed: it went so fast. It seems like a cliché, the 50th…

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