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Elizabeth Dunkel is a writer and novelist who recently moved back to the U.S. after living in Merida, Mexico for 25 years. Elizabeth is the proud founder of the Merida English Library. As a Cambridge CELTA certified teacher of ESL, she considers herself not just a teacher but a dream maker. “Teaching English empowers people to reach their dreams.”

Latest Posts By Elizabeth Dunkel

3 years ago

How Pilates Saved My Life: Exploring the Benefits of Pilates for Older Adults

I have always been an active person – tennis, yoga, walking, biking. But then the age-related injuries and aches and pains made themselves manifest in my body. This required me to figure out a new strategy for fitness given my new difficulty in walking…

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3 years ago

How to Enjoy a Millionaire’s Cultural Life on a Budget

It’s true that Broadway tickets can cost in the hundreds of dollars and the price of major opera tickets isn’t for the faint-hearted. In keeping with my “living like a millionaire on a retirement budget” series of articles I’ve written for 60+Me, I thought I’d share the explosion…

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3 years ago

Why Knitting Makes Me Feel Cool, Chic, Fun, and Active (It’s Not for Old Ladies Anymore!)

Knitting used to be associated with lonely old ladies. Back in the day, knitting was an affordable way to have a sweater. In high school, I remember going to my town’s local fabric shop and seeing a meagre selection of uninteresting yarn for me…

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3 years ago

You Can Go Home Again – 7 Joys and Challenges of Repatriating

Many have fantasies about leaving home and moving to a destination that calls your heart. There are lots of articles about expat living, the joys and challenges of adjusting to a new country and new culture. But few people talk about…

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4 years ago

How to Recover from an Illness Luxuriously… Even if You Aren’t Made of Money

You can be sick crummy or you can be sick beautifully. Given my devotion to expansive, millionaire thinking, I opt for the second. Being ill is awful, so why not use it as an opportunity to pamper yourself as you deserve…

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4 years ago

How Is Retirement Different in the Age of Covid?

Before March 2020, you might have made big plans for your retirement – travel, moving to a new home, pursuing a new business, starting new hobbies, pursuing all sorts of passions, and meeting new people. Then Covid happened…

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4 years ago

Retirement Living Redefined: Life in the Time of Luxurious Gifts

When I first retired, many questions surfaced. Who am I now – without a job title, an identity in the community, without responsibility and status, without a paycheck each week? What do I mean? Am I important anymore? To whom? How can I feel vital and needed? Read More

4 years ago

A Boomer’s Guide to Taking the Perfect Selfie – Millennials Should Not Have All the Fun!

Do you hate your selfies? I guess the answer to that question is: if you’re a millennial, you love your selfies. If you are over a certain age, yes, you hate them. It doesn’t have to be this way! Read More

4 years ago

What Covid Quarantine Taught Me About Being Retired

There were many good things that came out of my experience with my first, and I hope last, quarantine of my life. But given how current events are playing out, quarantine restrictions may float in and out of our lives for some time to come…

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4 years ago

Who Do You See When You Look in the Mirror? A Boomer’s Guide to Loving Your Face

Some time ago I wrote a light-hearted article offering tips to boomers on how to take selfies, seeing as it’s such a phenomenon. Granted, it’s a millennial phenom, which I don’t love all that much. But hey, times change and change is the only certain thing in life. Read More