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Elizabeth Dunkel is a writer and novelist who recently moved back to the U.S. after living in Merida, Mexico for 25 years. Elizabeth is the proud founder of the Merida English Library. As a Cambridge CELTA certified teacher of ESL, she considers herself not just a teacher but a dream maker. “Teaching English empowers people to reach their dreams.”

Latest Posts By Elizabeth Dunkel

3 years ago

Luxury Skincare on a Budget: 5 Ways to Make Your Skin Feel Like a Million Bucks

Pampering myself with skincare makes me feel like a million. We can’t turn back the clock, but we can coax out the most beautiful skin we can possibly have, regardless of age. As I mentioned in my previous article, you can now get highly effective skincare…

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3 years ago

Taking Care of Your Skin Makes You Feel Like a Millionaire

Until recently, I had sort of given up on my skin. I felt, well, I’m 60-plus, I have wrinkles and sun damage and nothing can make those go away. I did my usual: cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and didn’t give it much thought. My millennial daughter…

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3 years ago

How to Celebrate When You Are Alone for the Holidays

I hope you noticed that I didn’t title this article, “How to Survive the Holidays, Alone.” No! This is about making sure to celebrate the holidays if you are alone. It all started like this. One year in September, I was strolling down the aisles of Costco and came…

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3 years ago

The Energizing Power of Doing New Things Every Day

I was conflicted about turning 70 this past summer. Understatement. We all aspire to reach our 70s, or to reach what we consider old age. For me, 70 feels old, or at least, a lot! We take care of our health all our lives, so that we can have long lives…

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3 years ago

Embrace Anti-Consumerism and Feel Like a Millionaire After 60

“I don’t need it. I don’t want it. I’m not gonna buy it.” Say it three times and walk away. Say it and feel fabulous. You’re a part of a new anti-consumerism movement that will help you feel like a millionaire. The anti-consumerism movement…

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3 years ago

How Life After Retirement is Like Being a Student Again

As ready as I was to leave my 8-7 (it was never 9-5) world after a successful and satisfying career, I had the usual feelings that many people experience upon the phenomenon our society calls retirement. No one tells you that retirement takes processing…

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3 years ago

What I Actually Learned from Going into Therapy at 69

If you were to meet me, you’d think I am cheerful, outgoing, optimistic, energetic. And I am all these things. But there’s “the me you can’t see,” as Oprah says. That me, until I started therapy, was ruminating about the past, grieving…

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3 years ago

Why I Went into Therapy at Age 69

For weeks now, I had a feeling of foreboding. I felt stuck. I was burdening my friends with the same old rants. I was ruminating too much. I couldn’t forgive things from my past. I was filled with fears around the future. Could it be I needed to “talk to someone?”

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3 years ago

How Baking Makes Me Feel Like a Million(Aire)

One of the ways I live like a millionaire in my retirement, or jubilation as I call it, is by baking. Yes, I’m back. And yes, it’s this simple. Baking can improve the quality of your life in countless ways. This is another article in my series of How to live like a millionaire…

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3 years ago

How to Feel Like a Millionaire in Retirement, No Matter Your Income

One of the biggest transitions to life in our sixties is to accept the fact, that for most of us, we are now spending down. It’s scary at first to watch our savings diminish instead of grow. It requires that we forge a new relationship with our money…

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