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Liz Kitchens is the author of Be Brave. Lose the Beige! Boldly Breaking the Rules after 50. Her blog, Be Brave. Lose the Beige! focuses on women of the Baby Boomer Generation, Lady Boomers, as she has dubbed them. Liz is the founder of What’s Next Boomer? a website dedicated to helping Baby Boomers navigate retirement or semi-retirement options. Liz can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Liz Kitchens

8 months ago

The Grandmother’s Rules of Procedure (GRP)

I was sitting in a Starbucks with a friend. My friend and I are grandmothers. To say this is a role we treasure would be an understatement. As we were sipping and chatting, a mutual friend popped in for a caffein infusion after having been denied one during…

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10 months ago

If Only… I Loved the Life I Have

I’ve been thinking about all those “if onlys” expressed by people seemingly to communicate regret or remorse. I’ve also heard a lot of “what ifs” expressed, indicating anxiety about the future. Both of those prevent us from firmly planning us in the present…

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10 months ago

What Is the Key to Aging Well? Imagining a More Hopeful Future

I feel like I’ve been celebrating my birthday for months. Yes, it is a big one – 70. I’ve lived 20 years longer than my mother did which, as I shared with my two brothers, feels weird. “What do you want for your birthday?” my husband queried…

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11 months ago

Do Our Personality Profiles Change as We Age into Our 60s, 70s, 80s, and Beyond?

I confess to a fascination with psychological studies of personality traits. I don’t think there is a personality inventory I haven’t taken. I like them so much I developed one of my own with the help of my social psychologist husband…

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1 year ago

Fulfilling a Dream: I Published a Book!

It was a dream. Maybe deep down I’ve always wanted to share my truths with others? What does “sharing one’s truth” even mean? It sounds kind of hippy dippy. But that phrase has spiritual undertones to me. I thought at one point about going…

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1 year ago

Brother Time and Sister Space

According to Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, time and space are dimensions of the Time-Space Continuum. I picture the two dimensions as members of the same family, envisioning a sibling rivalry between time and his sister space…

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2 years ago

Reminiscing About My Post-Thanksgiving Gratitude 

Perhaps it was the Thanksgiving holiday that made me look at my life through grateful eyes. The day after Thanksgiving a series of exchanges and events occurred that made me feel especially thankful…

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2 years ago

Creativity Is an Essential Ingredient in Healthy Communities

Eureka! Finally! Science and medicine are catching up with the arts! Members of these esteemed communities are now acknowledging that creativity is good for you in the same way physical exercise and good nutrition is…

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2 years ago

Can Mini Adventures Enrich the Spirit? Oh Yes!

Adventures don’t have to be big and bold. Adventures come in many sizes and forms and help us feel young again. I like taking mini adventures that sometimes aren’t planned but thrust on you like when you are riding your bike in the afternoon…

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2 years ago

An Ode to Dogs on National Dog Day

National Dog Day is celebrated each year on August 26. The buoyancy our furry friends provide is balm for our Covid-weary spirits. Pets made great companions during the throes of the pandemic. I experienced separation anxiety when we felt…

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