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Lindsay Malzone is the Medicare expert for She has been working in the Medicare space since 2017. Lindsay has a passion for sharing her expertise on Medicare to beneficiaries so they can be better prepared for healthcare costs after retirement. Her YouTube channel features various videos that help Medicare beneficiaries discover all their options.

Latest Posts By Lindsay Malzone

2 years ago

What Changes Can We Expect in Medicare in 2023?

Medicare annually reviews how well the coverage worked, the costs involved, and the spending. This annual review usually results in adjustments to the costs that are associated. Today we’ll discuss the changes that will occur in 2023 relating to Medicare…

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2 years ago

Depression Awareness Month: Mental Health Resources Covered by Medicare

October is Depression Awareness Month, depression being a serious mental health disorder that is plaguing Americans now more than ever due to the pandemic. In June, 31% of U.S. adults reported struggling with symptoms…

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2 years ago

What You Need to Know About Medicare Annual Enrollment Period

Nearly 64 million people use Medicare insurance for their healthcare needs. They are constantly bombarded with advertisements and marketing to get them to review different options. The closer we get to the Annual Enrollment Period, the more…

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2 years ago

Does Medicare Cover Medical Marijuana or CBD Products? No – But There Are Some Options!

As of February 2022, 37 states have legalized comprehensive, publicly available medical marijuana/cannabis programs and 10 have approved use of “low THC, high cannabidiol (CBD)” products for medical reasons in limited situations…

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2 years ago

Medicare Coverage for the LGBTQ+ Community

Medicare is insurance for Americans over 65 – or under 65 with certain health conditions. With more than 1.4 million U.S. citizens identifying as transgender, many questions come up in the LGBTQ+ community regarding medical coverage…

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2 years ago

How Medicare Helps with Mental Health

Mental health issues can be common as we age, and may include isolation, dementia, and anxiety disorders. Thankfully, Medicare covers a variety of mental health services, including procedures for early detection and mental illness therapy…

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3 years ago

It’s “Save Your Vision” Month – Here’s What Eye Care Medicare Covers

March is “Save Your Vision” Month, highlighting the need for eye health and regular vision exams, but access to that care for Medicare beneficiaries isn’t that simple. Although vision care becomes increasingly important…

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3 years ago

American Heart Month: Medicare Coverage for Heart Health

According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Cardiovascular health is a key component to maintaining good overall health, especially as we age…

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3 years ago

How Medicare Benefits Are Changing in 2022

Each year, Medicare benefits, i.e., terms of coverage, change, and for the most part, the costs increase. But Medicare isn’t the only option that sees changes. Medicare Advantage plans and Part D drug plans have coverage changes too…

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