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Leslie is the founder of Life Balance After 50 where she uses her background in counseling and behavior analysis to help women navigate their goals and dreams after 50. She created a free mini workbook along with a guide and a full-length workbook for women who are looking to redefine and find joy and purpose in their second half of life. Contact Leslie at

Latest Posts By Leslie Moon

3 years ago

When Contentment Isn’t Always a Good Thing

As I was making the four-hour drive back home after helping my 80-plus-year-old mom pack up and move to live closer to us, I reflected on my current life situation. Family has always been a priority for me and has continued to be even though my children…

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3 years ago

Habit Change: You Most Certainly CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!

Many of us after 50 and 60 are continuing to look to make changes in our lives. We might want to do the thing we always wanted to do but never got around to. Maybe we want to retire and spend more time with grandchildren or traveling…

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3 years ago

I Know I’m Over 60, but I Still Want to Do So Much More!

As I drove home from moving my 80 year old mom to live closer to us, I reflected. My family is my priority and always has been. I cherish the opportunity to be there for them. In the prior six months I had dealt with a health scare…

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3 years ago

3 Tricks to Guarantee Your New Year’s Resolution Will Stick This Time

I think it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve all been there at some point in our lives. The clock strikes midnight on January 1, and we magically decide that we are now going to do “the thing.” Or we’re going to stop doing “the thing.” We jump out of bed ready…

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3 years ago

Imposter Syndrome: Why Do We Have It and How Do We Defeat It?

I’ve met women who have relocated to other countries and didn’t even know the language. Women who have written books and started businesses. Women who have found love. One of the women in my community adopted two infants and a toddler…

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3 years ago

The Only Thing We Are Too Old to Do After 50

As I’m working with women over 50 who are looking to redefine in some way, I’m often met with a version of the question, “Am I too old to _____.” It typically is phrased something like, “I’m _____ (insert age here). Do you think this would be a good time…

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3 years ago

How to Do Things for You When Life’s Circumstances Aren’t the Greatest

In my work with women who are looking to redefine on what I call “The Right Side of 50,” I lead them through a series of journal prompts, reflections, brain dumps, and goal setting exercises to help them as they try to figure out exactly what their “thing” might…

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4 years ago

Virtual Activity Ideas to Do with Grandchildren

When the pandemic quarantine began in March, I figured I could do anything for two weeks. Then two weeks turned into four and four into eight, and here we are in October looking at a possible resurgence in numbers…

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4 years ago

How to Prioritize Yourself as a Couple When You Have a Senior Parent or Adult Child Living with You

About five years ago, my husband approached me and asked me how I would feel about having his mother come live with us. We had only been married for about three years at that point, and she lived about 1200 miles away…

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4 years ago

How My Relationships Have Changed During the Pandemic

I woke up that fateful day in March to a panicked group of parents and co-workers. I work with kids on the autism spectrum and at 4 o’clock that morning, our county schools suddenly made the decision to close for two weeks…

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