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Leslie is the founder of Life Balance After 50 where she uses her background in counseling and behavior analysis to help women navigate their goals and dreams after 50. She created a free mini workbook along with a guide and a full-length workbook for women who are looking to redefine and find joy and purpose in their second half of life. Contact Leslie at

Latest Posts By Leslie Moon

2 years ago

Overcoming Internal and External Barriers That Prevent Us from Growth

Many of us women in the over 50 crowd are at a point in our lives where we are looking to reinvent. It might be something major, such as a career change or retirement so that we can spend more time with our grandchildren…

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2 years ago

3 Steps to Take When Holidays Are Tough

For many of the women in this community, the holidays are not easy. We may be facing a holiday without a loved one. We might be apart from our families for whatever reason. We might be having a good holiday season but find ourselves…

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2 years ago

What Is It That You REALLY Want on This Side of 50?

When I began to contemplate the idea of retiring from my career, I experienced anxiety around the idea of not working every day. What would I do all day? How would I spend my time? I was lucky enough to have been in a career and with a company…

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2 years ago

I Choose to Be Present in My Life

I am a worrier, and I have suffered lifelong from anxiety. I realized that giving into those things were creating a vicious circle. Throughout my entire life, I have allowed worry and anxiety to rob me of the joy in the moment. Countless moments…

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2 years ago

I Want to Find My Passion After 50, But…

In my work with women who are looking to redefine in some way on this side of 50, time (or lack thereof) is seemingly the number one barrier standing in their way. But, as we dig further, in most cases, time is not the real issue…

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2 years ago

My Summer of “Being Present”

As a 60-year-old woman who has experienced anxiety in some form since the age of six, it’s been an intense couple of years. In the past two and a half years, I’ve made the decision to fade out of a career that I loved because it was becoming…

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2 years ago

The Most Important Routine in My Day Starts the Night Before

Everyone always talks about the importance of our morning routine, and I would agree that starting our day in an intentional way sets the stage for our entire day. I, like many, have a very routine morning. However, my morning routine…

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2 years ago

The Power of the Word “No” for Women Over 50

For myself and so many of the women in my community, the most verbalized barrier that stands in our way is a perceived lack of time in each day. Many of us are still working. We are often caring for our own aging parents and helping with grandchildren…

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2 years ago

Continuing to Push Through Anxiety After 50

There has not been a day in my life where I have not woken up to some level of anxiety since I was five years old. I’m 60. There are varying levels of it, depending on what’s going on in my life or what might be on the schedule for that particular…

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3 years ago

How Our Core Beliefs Affect Our Lives

In my work with women who are redefining after 50, I help them take a long, deep look at their core beliefs and how they have affected and continue to affect them on their journey. Typically, when we are talking about these beliefs, we are talking about…

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