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Leslie is the founder of Life Balance After 50 where she uses her background in counseling and behavior analysis to help women navigate their goals and dreams after 50. She created a free mini workbook along with a guide and a full-length workbook for women who are looking to redefine and find joy and purpose in their second half of life. Contact Leslie at

Latest Posts By Leslie Moon

1 year ago

Wrapping Ourselves Around the Subtle Changes After 50

I was emailing one of my subscribers a few weeks ago, and she made a comment that really stuck with me. It was down the lines of, “dealing with some of the major life issues that we do at this stage can be tough while we’re also trying to get…

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1 year ago

Dangerous Fixed Mindset Beliefs for Women on “The Right Side Of 50”

Many of us women after the age of 50 find ourselves looking to redefine in some way. We may be ready to leave the job or career that we are in, but not ready to totally retire yet. Our children are grown and out of the house, for the most part…

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1 year ago

Perceived Value and Why It Is Important to Those After 50

Perceived value, by definition, is a consumer’s perception of the value of a product or service and its ability to meet their needs. Every day, in my various blogging groups, I hear from women who are hesitant to charge for the goods or services they create…

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1 year ago

3 Initial Steps to Take as We Figure Out What’s Next for Us After 50

So many women email me and tell me that they are ready to take some time each day to do the thing that brings them joy and purpose. Something that they love to do and that is just for them. And, more often than not, they have ZERO idea what that thing is!

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1 year ago

Why It Is Imperative to Have a Bucket List After 50

So many of the women I talk to each day through my blog at Life Balance After 50 know that they want to continue to be active and busy and doing all of the things on what we are calling “the right side of 50.” They may be looking to stop or cut back…

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1 year ago

The Tiny Little Habit Changes That Can Affect Your Entire Routine

Charles Duhigg, in his book, The Power of Habit, describes a subset of habits that he refers to as Keystone Habits. These are habits that, when incorporated into our daily routine, have a domino effect on most if not all other areas of our lives…

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2 years ago

The Number One Self Imposed Barrier That Stands in Our Way After 50

I create content for and work with many women over 50 who are trying to figure out what’s next for them at this stage of the game. Most of the women are content, overall, but are trying to figure out what they can do for themselves now…

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2 years ago

5 Things to Do for Yourself Every Day After Your 50th Birthday

Most, if not all of us, have spent our lives up until this point juggling and trying to balance many of our life roles. Working, parenting, being a spouse, caring for parents, finding time for our friends are only a few. Although many of us…

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2 years ago

The Art of REALLY Listening

I have spent some time recently, thinking about family relationships. About three years ago we moved my mom from four hours away to live closer to us. There’s a lot of history in our relationship, and I had some concerns about the move…

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2 years ago

Three Key Steps to Living the Best Life You Can After 60

So many of us on this side of 60 are trying to figure out what our next steps might be. Some might be looking to make big moves like writing a book or starting a business. Others want to retire, relax, or travel. Spend time with family…

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