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Leslie is the founder of Life Balance After 50 where she uses her background in counseling and behavior analysis to help women navigate their goals and dreams after 50. She created a free mini workbook along with a guide and a full-length workbook for women who are looking to redefine and find joy and purpose in their second half of life. Contact Leslie at

Latest Posts By Leslie Moon

5 months ago

The Importance of Establishing Boundaries After 60

I recently found myself in a position where, at the age of 62, I have begun to establish and actually stick with some boundaries. This came with a complete mindset change – I wasn’t just paying lip service to this idea – it felt very different in my brain…

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6 months ago

What Constitutes a Full Day at this Stage of the Game?

It’s been a year now since I’ve been fully retired. Every morning when I was working (even on my days off), I would wake up and walk through the list in my head of what I needed to get accomplished that day. I loved my career, yet I still began…

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6 months ago

Do We Need a Mission Statement After 50?

In my work with my community of women who are redefining after 50, I recently put together a mini workshop where we developed our personal mission statements for this stage of our lives. Interestingly, as I set out to research and get some…

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7 months ago

What’s the Real Deal with Reflection Journaling?

Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve journaled. At eight and nine years old, it was a pretty pink diary with a lock and key that I would fill with my thoughts and poems and then replace with a new diary when it became full…

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7 months ago

Forcing Myself to “Go with the Flow”

I know the readers of Sixty and Me are scattered all over the globe. In my little corner of the world last week, right outside Washington, DC, we’d been having winter weather. Snow and ice on top of snow and ice and bitterly cold temperatures…

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9 months ago

The One Resolution That I Will Continue to Live By in 2024

A couple of years ago, I found myself in a phase of life that I considered to be stressful. I had recently made the decision to retire and was transitioning into that new schedule. My husband and I were building a second home at the beach…

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9 months ago

The Single Thing That You Can Do to Combat Overthinking

I saw a meme a few months ago that I posted on my Facebook page, and it resonated hugely with my community. It said, “It’s like no one in my family appreciates that I stayed up all night overthinking for them!” We all laughed about it, because for many of us…

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11 months ago

3 Tips for Navigating Complicated Relationships on This Side of 50

As I write this article, I find myself in a phase of life where I am 61 years old and very suddenly having to supervise care for my mom who just turned 85. This situation is further complicated by the fact that our relationship has not been the most fabulous…

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11 months ago

When Overthinking Leads to Doing Nothing After 50

Although many of us women after 50 continue to juggle life’s roles and are content doing so, we find ourselves reflecting on what we might want to do for ourselves as we move forward in our next phase of life. All of the women with whom I work, have expressed…

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1 year ago

My 3 Most Important Practices as I Move Forward This Fall

Fall for me is like New Year’s Eve for many others. My summers are often crazy (in a great way) and tend to be completely unscheduled. When September rolls around, I begin to sit down and think about how I’d like my year to look moving forward…

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