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Laura Galbato is mosaic artist, writer and healthy living enthusiast. After a successful career as a compensation consultant for LCG Group and Towers Perrin, she returned to earlier passions for her second act. Laura loves hiking, golf, mosaic art, and a good glass of champagne.

Latest Posts By Laura Galbato

6 months ago

13 Fantastic Foods to Boost Your Brain Power (and Stay Healthy)

Staying vibrant after 60 challenges us to look at our lives with intent and explore ways to learn new skills, challenge our minds, and gain new experiences. Our brains get rewired in the process, and the foods we eat affect how well our brain and body functions…

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8 months ago

A Step-By-Step Guide for Digitizing Your Cherished Family Photo Slides

When I was a kid, watching old family slides was an event. Dad would drag out the slide projector, a screen would be erected and popcorn would be made. Every new slide would bring a shared memory, a laugh and an occasional snide remark…

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10 months ago

How to Set Real Goals and Action Plans (Not Weak Resolutions)

It’s that time of year again. Everyone is talking about their New Year’s resolutions. Lose weight, get fit, and save money are the most popular. Yet, despite our good intentions, only a tiny percentage of us will actually achieve our goals…

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10 months ago

How to Grow Your Vocabulary in a Shrinking-Vocabulary World

I hear myself using some of the same words over and over. Words like nice, cool, wow, and pretty. Maybe the guy is nice, but there’s a plethora of words that may better describe him. Maybe he’s good-natured, pleasant, friendly, hospitable, cordial, amiable…

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11 months ago

Are You Suffering from Negativitis?

We all complain now and then. It’s human nature. But it’s a slippery slope and the more we complain, the worse it gets. When it gets out of control and becomes a habit, we’ve contracted that insidious disease known as negativitis. Inflammation of negative thinking…

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