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Dr. Kurt Smith is the Clinical Director at Guy Stuff Counseling & Coaching and works with men and the women who love them. He is an expert in understanding the unique relationship challenges facing couples today. Check out his weekly tips on Facebook or Twitter.

Latest Posts By Kurt Smith

5 months ago

The Parenting Puzzle – How to Balance Guidance and Acceptance of Adult (Or Near Adult) Children

Raising a child is an incredible journey filled with joy, challenges, and decisions. But it’s also complicated. We all want the best for our children, and as parents that means ensuring they stay on the right path by course correcting when necessary…

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7 months ago

How to Create a Conversation Renaissance in Your Marriage

There’s something comforting about sitting quietly with your spouse and not feeling pressured to come up with small talk. On the other hand, there’s something quite mind-numbing about knowing your conversational repertoire is limited…

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8 months ago

Activate Your Soul Sister Power! How Friendships Can Be Your Personal Fountain of Youth

While friendships at all ages play a significant role in a person’s life, the importance of having close friends becomes even more pronounced in later years. As it turns out, there are significant mental and physical health benefits to friendships…

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9 months ago

Building and Maintaining Emotional Intimacy in Relationships After 60

You might think that after years together you’ll have built a deep emotional intimacy that bonds you and provides profound satisfaction for you and your partner. You may think that, but you’d be wrong in many cases…

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10 months ago

From Full House to Empty Nest – Now What?

The empty nesting phase can be as jarring a change for couples as the newborn stage was once upon a time. But just as the arrival of your children brought joy, pain, fun, and frustration, so will their exit. It’s like watching your heart live outside…

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11 months ago

Bored with Your Husband? How to Keep Dust from Settling on Your Marriage

Remember the excitement you used to feel about your husband? The anticipation of time together was enough to keep you moving through your day. Not to mention the mental notes you’d make about things to tell him or daydreams…

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12 months ago

Which Way Should I Swipe? What To Consider When You’re Dating After 60

Most women never thought they’d be in their 60s and hitting the dating scene. But life has a way of throwing you curve balls and dating in your 60s (or 70s, or even 80s) can certainly be one of them. If the last time you “dated” was 30 years ago or more…

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1 year ago

Has Your Neon Faded to Neutral? Why So Many Women Are Feeling Invisible in Their Own Lives

Let’s be honest – you’ve been the one keeping things running smoothly in the lives of your family for years. You’ve been partner, parent, taxi, cook, housekeeper, the only one who can keep the calendar, and likely in charge of food procurement…

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1 year ago

My Husband’s Retirement Is Driving Me Crazy

For many couples, reaching retirement feels like you finally made it. No more stress, you can make your own schedules, and you can enjoy all the things you put off. That’s the dream. The reality can often be quite different. Adjusting to retired life…

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1 year ago

Do You Dislike You? Follow These 4 Steps to Like Yourself More

There’s a perception that with age comes self-acceptance and confidence. While that can be true, self-esteem is a fickle thing. Even those with strong self-esteem go through low points. For some, aging intensifies feelings of self-doubt and dislike, poisoning all aspects of life. Which begs the question, is it possible to overcome those feelings and […]

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