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Koob Moua, OTR/L, has a doctoral degree in occupational therapy. He works in a hospital setting to help people return to their lives after experiencing severe physical trauma, disability, or a new medical diagnosis through rehabilitation. On his free time, he advocates for his profession by publishing academic journals focusing on self-management of chronic diseases.

Latest Posts By Koob Moua

2 years ago

Recognizing and Treating Depression in Older Adults

Everyone experiences the occasional blues or lethargy. But if feelings of sadness or tiredness occur more often than not, do not ignore them. It is important to pay attention to how long these emotional waves last, as they may signal…

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2 years ago

Anxiety and Older Adults

We’ve all experienced anxiety in our lives that have been brought on by different situations. Perhaps you asked your manager for some time off work on short notice. What was that experience like? You may have noticed several rehearsed hypothetical scenarios racing through your mind, your heart beats probably felt much more sensitive, and your […]

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3 years ago

Assisted Living for Seniors with Disabilities

We constantly open and close chapters in our lives. From new careers, marrying a life partner, rekindling old or new friendships to finding a new home. Opening up a new life chapter can be scary, exciting, easy, and difficult. For seniors moving away from their long-beloved home into an Assisted Living Facility, the initial thoughts […]

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3 years ago

Guide to Pet-Friendly Assisted Living Facilities

Moving into an Assisted Living Facility but stuck with the fear if your pet is also allowed? Don’t fret, we’re here to give you all of the answers in addition to the benefits of keeping your pet companion right by your side through it all. Whether you are already a pet owner or looking in […]

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3 years ago

How Much Does Assisted Living Cost in the US

Navigating the ins and outs of an Assisted Living Facility is an arduous task. Understanding the associated costs and affordability of Assisted Living Facilities is an additional battle. Alongside our Guide to Assisted Living Facilities, we take you through a more specific vessel – costs associated with Assisted Living Facilities.  We take you through how: […]

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3 years ago

Guide for Assisted Living Facilities

Opening a near chapter in your life should not be met with dread, stress, and confusion. When it comes to transitioning to long-term care, several buzz words and different terms are used – almost so that hair pulling is necessary. Is an Independent Facility and Assisted Living Facility the same thing? Is an Assisted Living […]

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3 years ago

Fall Prevention Guide For Older Adults

Seeing a main character in a movie living in constant fear or being fearless never ends well. Living in constant fear results in not enjoying what life has to offer. Being fearless and ignoring all of the warning signs result in failure due to stubbornness. The trope of the story typically goes such that the […]

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4 years ago

Senior Blood Pressure

We’re all guilty of not doing the right things for our health even when we clearly know better. The chicken salad or the cheese burger with fries? To exercise or not exercise? In the end, we’re allowed to enjoy ourselves once in a while. It’s the difference between moderation versus poor health habits. Poor habits […]

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4 years ago

Senior Retirement Communities

Understanding senior retirement communities can be a handful. Different levels of care exist and the names seem to all blur into one huge puzzle. We help break down the different settings within senior retirement communities and offer tips on how to transition from your lived home into a new environment.  Relocating is difficult enough as […]

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4 years ago

Housing For Seniors on Social Security

You’ve steered into retirement lane, in which you’re either approaching the finish line or you’ve already crossed it. The comments from everyone sound all too familiar – “How lucky of you to be done working”, “Oh the vacations you must be planning to take outside the country”, or “I’m so envious of all that free […]

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