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Kerry Baker is the author website/blog Ventanas Mexico ( which provides resources to those considering full- or part-time life in Mexico. She is the author of three books, The Mexico Solution: Saving your money, sanity and quality of life through living in Mexico, If Only I Had a Place (a guide to renting in Mexico) and The Lazy Expat: Healthy recipes that translate in Mexico.

Latest Posts By Kerry Baker

6 months ago

Little Known Reasons You Can (and Should) Learn a Second Language Post 60

Nine years ago, during a particularly difficult period in my life, a period devoid of any sense of accomplishment whatsoever (I was job hunting at age 57), I decided to learn a second language, Spanish…

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2 years ago

Could Living in a Cheaper Country Be the Right Asset Preservation Strategy for You?

In any economic downturn, and heaven knows we’ve seen our fill by this stage in life, it’s easy to anticipate that women will be among the hardest hit. The Covid-19 pandemic has been no exception. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics…

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2 years ago

What Living in Mexico Has Taught Me About the Power of Music

The first soldiers killed in battle are the musicians, for music’s power to inspire. It can change a person’s mood in minutes. It can give form to otherwise incoherent, nascent feelings. Music can take years off a world-weary spirit…

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2 years ago

How to Make Your Memories Stick

Even after the printing press’s invention and the mass production of books, for centuries, an average person could only afford a few books. Those they owned weren’t just read, they were digested completely, the entirety of their contents committed to memory…

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2 years ago

Prepare for a Foreign Vacation by Learning the Language

How does the idea of a road trip or a vacation sound to you right now? Pretty good, I would venture to guess. In every vacation, we take two pleasure trips. One is the trip itself. The other is the anticipation of the experience – the planning…

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3 years ago

What Living in Mexico Taught Me About Sleep

Some time ago, brain researchers warned that lack of sleep is a public health crisis. According to the CDC, one in three adults in the U.S. do not get enough sleep. On the daily level, lack of sleep causes mental distress. When you are tired, the world is tired…

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3 years ago

Never Hungry? Steps You Can Take to Keep You Cooking

Eventually, to maintain a healthy diet, you must cook. Two years after moving to Mexico part-time, I began writing a cookbook, The Lazy Expat: Healthy Recipes That Translate in Mexico. It’s for travelers, snowbirds and expats trying to cook “their food” in Mexico…

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3 years ago

Feel Invisible? Remember, “Older Women” Can Get Away with Almost Anything

A few days ago, I went to my gym and headed for one of two empty rowing machines only to be stopped by a young man of sub-average fitness. He and his buddy had corralled three sets of lighter weights (the ones most popular in a gym)…

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3 years ago

Why a Self-Defense Class Is a Good Idea Before Your Next Trip

One evening after attending a book club meeting in Mexico, I came home and discovered a desk drawer open, along with a window blind raised near the front door. Checking the rooms, it appeared nothing had been taken, leading me to believe…

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3 years ago

An Older Woman’s Guide to Best Used Cars Under $15,000

In the last quarter of 2020, for the first time in history, the average cost of a new car crossed the $40,000 mark, according to Edmunds. That was before insurance, property taxes and gas. Once papers were signed, the average payment calculated to…

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