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Dr. Kent Sasse, an Alpha Omega Alpha top medical school graduate of UCSF, earned fellowship at the prestigious Lahey Clinic in Boston and published research on pelvic floor therapy and metabolic surgery. He founded and directs The Continence Center and the nationally accredited Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery program in Reno, Nevada. His most recent book is Outpatient Weight-Loss Surgery.

Latest Posts By Kent Sasse

10 months ago

Despite Popular Opinion, Laziness Has Almost Nothing to Do with Obesity

Fifty years into the obesity epidemic, people are quick to blame excessive weight on laziness. Well, I hate to dispel what would be a convenient explanation (although one that blames the individuals suffering with it), but obesity is not caused…

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11 months ago

Obesity Isn’t a Personal Failing – It’s a Classic Environmental Disease

I’ve had so many patients, friends and colleagues ask me this simple question: “Why, with the obesity epidemic running wild, are we so unsuccessful at finding solutions for it, and preventing it or solving it? Can it really be that it’s just our fault as humans…

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12 months ago

What Are the Benefits of Metabolic Surgery for Weight Loss?

Weight loss remains a significant concern for millions of individuals worldwide, as obesity continues to pose a threat to both physical and mental health. While lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and pharmacological interventions…

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1 year ago

Weight Loss Surgery Can Be a Valuable Tool

There is a disconnect between what doctors say about weight loss surgery and what average people say. Doctors, especially those who study the subject, view metabolic surgery as a risk-reduction tool, something that makes life safer…

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1 year ago

7 Treatment Options for Bladder and Bowel Leakage

For most people, the problem of bladder and bowel accidents, or incontinence, stems from loss of one or both integral parts of the system that must work together to empty the bladder and the rectum normally and without leakage or accidents…

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1 year ago

Why Urinary Incontinence Is More Serious Than You Think

Urinary incontinence is a serious problem that affects tens of millions of people in the U.S. and hundreds of millions worldwide. It is defined as the involuntary loss of urine, which can range from a small leak to complete loss of bladder control…

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1 year ago

Is Metabolic Surgery Safe for Seniors?

You have undoubtedly heard of metabolic surgery, but it might be more familiar to you under another name: bariatric surgery or weight-loss surgery. All three refer to the surgical procedures that have evolved over the last 75 years…

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2 years ago

What Causes Obesity – And What Doesn’t

The New York Times published an article recently about the causes of obesity. I must admit, I was reluctant to read the article, and I can safely say this is probably the first thing I’ve read in the mainstream media in some time that actually…

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2 years ago

When Is a “Weak Bladder” Something More?

For many people, symptoms of incontinence come on gradually. The need to urinate becomes more frequent, a sense of urgency increases, and leakage becomes a regular occurrence. In many cases, people are already making…

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2 years ago

Metabolic Surgery for Obesity Is No Quick Fix — It’s a Tool

Metabolic surgery is both the same and different in many ways from other medical treatments or surgical interventions. While it is true that as a surgical intervention it cures disease and prolongs life, it is also quite true that the outcomes…

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