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Healthy aging expert Kay Van Norman is the President of Brilliant Aging. She serves on international boards, speaks and consults around the world, and has an extensive list of publications. Her Vitality Portfolio® model for lifelong health will be featured in a book by author Jack Canfield. Visit her at

Latest Posts By Kay Van Norman

4 months ago

Claim Your Inner Selfie

Social media is the land of the selfie, and I’m sure there are entire research disciplines devoted to figuring out that phenomenon! I’ve never been a fan, but recently have been contemplating the concept of an inner self…

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5 months ago

Purpose – Are You Finding It or Creating It?

Have you ever noticed how the new year springs from the holidays and then suddenly it’s February? So often I wake up one morning in late January and realize the new year with all its promise of new beginnings is already gaining steam for better or worse…

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1 year ago

Is Inspiration Whiplash Part of Your Vocabulary?

If you’re like most people, you probably made some new year’s resolutions – changes you wanted to see in your life. Research shows it takes around 90 days to forge lasting change, so perhaps by now you’re well on your way to making…

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1 year ago

Begin a Lasting Commitment to Brain Health

I’ve been thinking about New Year’s resolutions and know from experience that it’s one thing to intend to do something and quite another to actually commit to a specific action or outcome.
Take brain health for example…

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2 years ago

Holiday Connections or Conflict – Delve into the Spirit with a Care Culture of Well-Being

“It’s so difficult to find the right gifts for loved-ones because what we really want for the holidays – connection, hope, faith, joy, wonder, magic – can’t be found on the shelves or on-line…”

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2 years ago

Do You Celebrate Your Successes After 60? If Not, It’s Time to Reconsider!

How much time do you spend lamenting steps taken – or not taken – as you navigate life in the decades past 60? On the other end of the spectrum, how much time do you spend celebrating your successes?

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2 years ago

How to Re-Boot Your Well-Being After a Health Set-Back in the 7th Decade

One of the best pieces of advice I can offer to support lifelong health is, “don’t let a health set-back become a new health set-point.” Healthy habits aren’t just a one-time choice. They’re a series of small choices made day after day, week after week…

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2 years ago

What’s Your Vitality Plan for Your 60s and Beyond?

Building financial security and staying healthy are consistently listed as top aging concerns for adults over 55. Most of us know that creating a financial portfolio is important. But what about your vitality? Do you have a plan?

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2 years ago

Need Balance in Your Life? Check Your Wellness Wheel!

To draw your wellness wheel start with six pages, each having one dimension at the top and a vertical line down the middle with Deposits on one side and Withdrawals on the other. Using the brief overviews below, list “deposits” supporting well-being…

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2 years ago

Ageism in Healthcare Can Impact Your Quality of Life

Is ageism coloring your choices and behaviors? Does it also impact the healthcare you receive? Attitudes, expectations, and beliefs about aging can impact both personal and healthcare choices for the better or worse…

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