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Kathleen has developed a unique set of skills through her diverse experiences in corporate boardrooms, international war zones, and other environments. Kathleen advises and coaches people going through difficult situations. She finds her work to be fulfilling and enjoys the opportunity to bring her wealth of experience to the table.

Latest Posts By Kathleen Metcalfe

1 year ago

Ballet – Diverse and Inclusive. Really?

The idea of inclusivity demands that we examine who we are and what we stand for. I struggle with that on a personal level, as I don’t want routine assumptions to blind me to reality and limit my participation in our evolving society…

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1 year ago

Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet

Sometimes I find that after I write a column for Sixty and Me, I can’t stop thinking about it. Last month I wrote an article entitled “Can You Be Positive if You’re Not Feeling It?” One of the things I wrote was: “If we are going to be full human beings, we cannot avoid sadness. […]

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1 year ago

Can You Be Positive if You’re Not Feeling It?

“So much pressure to be positive and I am down!” This is a phrase I hear over and over from my clients. Of course, the reason they are seeing a psychotherapist is because things aren’t going well. Something in their lives needs to change…

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1 year ago

Is It Possible to Turn Loneliness into Solitude?

When I think about these two states of being – loneliness and solitude – they have such different connotations. And yet the border between them is porous. If we are lonely, can we just decide that we can cross over into solitude? It seems a bit like the old fairy-tale about spinning straw into gold. […]

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1 year ago

Your Third Act Is for Taking Creative Risks

Age has a universally negative connotation, and there is no known way to stop it. But we can be alive as we live it! One way to embrace our vitality is to consider a different narrative approach to the subject of risk…

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2 years ago

The Real Power of Paying Attention

Kathleen! Pay attention! These words, from my mother, from my teachers, dragging me back from my daydreams, still echo in my ears. But what is attention? We think of it as focus, something we can do with a little effort. Just snap back to reality…

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2 years ago

Love and Resentment on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day! Causes the heart to flutter, doesn’t it? Champagne, chocolate, flowers… you know, go big or go home, right? It is one of my favourite special days of the year. I love to celebrate love. But intimate relationships…

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2 years ago

Make the Most of the New Year by Making Changes in Your Relationship

It’s a new year, and a time when we naturally begin to review our lives. A new year can remind us to make positive changes. However, change is a complicated and nuanced subject. We may say we want things to change, but at the same time…

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