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Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, wrote the award-winning book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows. She owned Rehl Financial Advisors for 18 years before an encore career empowering widows. Now “reFired,” Rehl writes legacy stories and assists nonprofits. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s, CNBC, and more. She’s adjunct faculty at The American College of Financial Services.

Latest Posts By Kathleen M. Rehl

4 years ago

Give Yourself a Legacy Gift by Repurposing Meaningful Jewelry

After my husband died, I continued to wear my diamond ring on my left hand for almost a year. Then I shifted it to the right hand where I wore it for many more months. I kept moving it back and forth – left hand for a few days…

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4 years ago

Put Your Gratitude into Action – Not Only for the Holidays!

When good things happen to us, we feel grateful. We’re thankful for our family, a comfortable home, caring friends, purposeful activities in retirement or paid employment, health, life in a free country, a pretty sunset, and more…

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4 years ago

Love Is Eternal, but Life Isn’t! Facing the Chance of Becoming a Widow

Soon after my book was published, I attended a community luncheon. Several couples were seated at my table, and we introduced ourselves. After watching me for a few minutes, one wife suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, I saw your picture in Sunday’s…

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4 years ago

After 50 Dating: 10 Financial Questions to Ask Your Partner Before Committing

Money and sex regularly rank as the most common reasons couples fight.

Research from LearnVest’s Money Habits and Confessions Survey, conducted by Wakefield Research, concluded that financial issues are more than twice as likely as sex to cause tension in a relationship. Read More

4 years ago

What I Learned from My Grandmother, the Entrepreneur

Her label said VIM bread ingredients included “whole grain wheat flour, raw sugar, non-fat milk solids, fresh creamery butter, salt, water, and fresh yeast,” with “nothing taken away.” Created honestly, with integrity. Authentic…

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4 years ago

Why Are Mature Women Living with Their Partners Rather Than Marrying?

According to a recent Pew Research Center report, the number of people age 50 and older who live together with their unmarried partner shot up by 75% between 2007 and 2016. That’s 4 million mature adults who live together compared to 2.3 million a decade ago. Read More

5 years ago

How to Create and Share Your Lasting Legacy of Love

Several years ago, my friend, Arlene, finalized her estate documents. Those important papers included her legal will, revocable trust, living will, and powers of attorney for financial and medical matters…

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5 years ago

Marriage After 60: I Love Two Men, with the Blessings of Both

Two months ago, I tied the knot again at age 71! Yes, Charlie and I walked down the aisle and exchanged wedding vows after being together in a loving relationship for eight years. Read More

6 years ago

Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions: Mature Women Enjoy This Alternative

The year 2019 is almost here. You might be thinking about a New Year’s resolution, a way to make your life better. If you’ve done this before, you probably focused on some self-improvement goal. Read More

6 years ago

How a Getaway with Girlfriends Can Enhance Your Friendships in Retirement

One cold afternoon last January, three friends and I started planning our summer getaway. Living in four different states, we enjoy an annual getaway together. Read More